
Go to the documentation of this file.
00020 #include          "mfcpch.h"     //precompiled headers
00021 #ifdef __MSW32__
00022 #include          <io.h>
00023 #else
00024 #include          <unistd.h>
00025 #endif
00026 #include          "fileerr.h"
00027 #include          "imgerrs.h"
00028 #include          "img.h"
00029 #include          "bitstrm.h"
00030 #include          "tprintf.h"
00031 #include          "serialis.h"
00032 #include          "imgtiff.h"
00034 #define INTEL       0x4949
00035 #define MOTO        0x4d4d
00067 #define ENTRIES       19         /*no of entries */
00068 #define START       8            /*start of tag table */
00074 typedef struct
00075 {
00076   UINT16 tag;                    //entry tag
00077   UINT16 type;
00078   UINT32 length;
00079   INT32 value;
00080 } TIFFENTRY;                     //tiff tag entry
00087 typedef struct myrational
00088 {
00089   INT32 top;
00090   INT32 bottom;
00091 } MYRATIONAL;                    //type 5
00094 #define EOL_CODE      0x800
00095 #define EOL_MASK      0xfff
00096 #define EOL_LENGTH      12       //12 bits
00097 #define SHORT_CODE_SIZE   64     //no of short codes
00098 #define LONG_CODE_SIZE    40     //no of long codes
00101 static UINT16 short_white_codes[SHORT_CODE_SIZE] = {
00102   0xac, 0x38, 0xe, 0x1, 0xd, 0x3, 0x7, 0xf,
00103   0x19, 0x5, 0x1c, 0x2, 0x4, 0x30, 0xb, 0x2b,
00104   0x15, 0x35, 0x72, 0x18, 0x8, 0x74, 0x60, 0x10,
00105   0xa, 0x6a, 0x64, 0x12, 0xc, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x58,
00106   0xd8, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8, 0x14,
00107   0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34, 0xb4, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x50,
00108   0xd0, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x1a,
00109   0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x52, 0xd2, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0x2c
00110 };
00113 static UINT8 short_white_lengths[SHORT_CODE_SIZE] = {
00114   8, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
00115   5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6,
00116   6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
00117   7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8,
00118   8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
00119   8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
00120   8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
00121   8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
00122 };
00125 static UINT16 short_black_codes[SHORT_CODE_SIZE] = {
00126   0x3b0, 0x2, 0x3, 0x1, 0x6, 0xc, 0x4, 0x18,
00127   0x28, 0x8, 0x10, 0x50, 0x70, 0x20, 0xe0, 0x30,
00128   0x3a0, 0x60, 0x40, 0x730, 0xb0, 0x1b0, 0x760, 0xa0,
00129   0x740, 0xc0, 0x530, 0xd30,
00130   0x330, 0xb30, 0x160, 0x960,
00131   0x560, 0xd60, 0x4b0, 0xcb0,
00132   0x2b0, 0xab0, 0x6b0, 0xeb0,
00133   0x360, 0xb60, 0x5b0, 0xdb0,
00134   0x2a0, 0xaa0, 0x6a0, 0xea0,
00135   0x260, 0xa60, 0x4a0, 0xca0,
00136   0x240, 0xec0, 0x1c0, 0xe40,
00137   0x140, 0x1a0, 0x9a0, 0xd40,
00138   0x340, 0x5a0, 0x660, 0xe60
00139 };
00142 static UINT8 short_black_lengths[SHORT_CODE_SIZE] = {
00143   10, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5,
00144   6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9,
00145   10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,
00146   11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
00147   12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
00148   12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
00149   12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
00150   12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
00151 };
00154 static UINT16 long_white_codes[LONG_CODE_SIZE] = {
00155   0x1b, 0x9, 0x3a, 0x76, 0x6c, 0xec, 0x26, 0xa6,
00156   0x16, 0xe6, 0x66, 0x166, 0x96, 0x196, 0x56, 0x156,
00157   0xd6, 0x1d6, 0x36, 0x136, 0xb6, 0x1b6, 0x32, 0x132,
00158   0xb2, 0x6, 0x1b2,
00159   0x80, 0x180, 0x580, 0x480, 0xc80,
00160   0x280, 0xa80, 0x680, 0xe80, 0x380, 0xb80, 0x780, 0xf80
00161 };
00164 static UINT8 long_white_lengths[LONG_CODE_SIZE] = {
00165   5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8,
00166   8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
00167   9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
00168   9, 6, 9, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12,
00169   12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
00170 };
00173 static UINT16 long_black_codes[LONG_CODE_SIZE] = {
00174   0x3c0, 0x130, 0x930, 0xda0,
00175   0xcc0, 0x2c0, 0xac0, 0x6c0,
00176   0x16c0, 0xa40, 0x1a40, 0x640,
00177   0x1640, 0x9c0, 0x19c0, 0x5c0,
00178   0x15c0, 0xdc0, 0x1dc0, 0x940,
00179   0x1940, 0x540, 0x1540, 0xb40,
00180   0x1b40, 0x4c0, 0x14c0,
00181   0x80, 0x180, 0x580, 0x480, 0xc80,
00182   0x280, 0xa80, 0x680, 0xe80, 0x380, 0xb80, 0x780, 0xf80
00183 };
00186 static UINT8 long_black_lengths[LONG_CODE_SIZE] = {
00187   10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13,
00188   13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
00189   13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
00190   13, 13, 13, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12,
00191   12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
00192 };
00197 INT8 open_tif_image(               //read header
00198                     int fd,        //file to read
00199                     INT32 *xsize,  //size of image
00200                     INT32 *ysize,
00201                     INT8 *bpp,     //bits per pixel
00202                     INT8 *photo,   //interpretation
00203                     INT32 *res     //resolution
00204                    ) {
00205   INT16 filetype;
00206   INT32 start;                   //start of tiff directory
00207   INT16 entries;                 //no of tiff entries
00208   INT32 imagestart;              //location of image in file
00209   INT32 resoffset;               //location of res
00210   TIFFENTRY tiffentry;           //tag table entry
00211   BOOL8 compressed;              //compression control
00212   MYRATIONAL resinfo;            //resolution
00213   BOOL8 strips = false;          //if in strips
00215   *xsize = -1;                   //illegal values
00216   *ysize = -1;
00217   *bpp = -1;
00218   *res = -1;
00219   resoffset = -1;
00220   if (read (fd, (char *) &filetype, sizeof filetype) != sizeof filetype
00221   || filetype != INTEL && filetype != MOTO) {
00222     BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Filetype");
00223     return -1;
00224   }
00225   lseek (fd, 4L, 0);
00226   if (read (fd, (char *) &start, sizeof start) != sizeof start) {
00227     READFAILED.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Start of tag table");
00228     return -1;
00229   }
00231   if (filetype != __NATIVE__)
00232     start = reverse32 (start);
00233   if (start <= 0) {
00234     BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Start of tag table");
00235     return -1;
00236   }
00237   lseek (fd, start, 0);
00238   if (read (fd, (char *) &entries, sizeof (INT16)) != sizeof (INT16)) {
00239     BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Size of tag table");
00240     return -1;
00241   }
00242   if (filetype != __NATIVE__)
00243     entries = reverse16 (entries);
00244   //      printf("No of tiff directory entries=%d\n",entries);
00245   imagestart = 0;
00246   compressed = FALSE;
00247   for (; entries-- > 0;) {
00248     if (read (fd, (char *) &tiffentry, sizeof tiffentry) !=
00249     sizeof tiffentry) {
00250       BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Tag table entry");
00251       return -1;
00252     }
00253     if (filetype != __NATIVE__) {
00254       tiffentry.type = reverse16 (tiffentry.type);
00255       tiffentry.tag = reverse16 (tiffentry.tag);
00256       tiffentry.length = reverse32 (tiffentry.length);
00257     }
00258     if (tiffentry.type != 3) {   //Full 32bit value
00259       if (filetype != __NATIVE__)
00260         tiffentry.value = reverse32 (tiffentry.value);
00261     }
00262     else {
00263       /* A 16bit value in 4 bytes - handle with care. SEE NOTE at start of file */
00264       if (__NATIVE__ == MOTO) {
00265         if (filetype == MOTO)    //MOTO file on MOTO Machine
00266           tiffentry.value = tiffentry.value >> 16;
00267         else                     //INTEL file on MOTO Machine
00268           tiffentry.value = reverse32 (tiffentry.value);
00269       }
00270       else {                     //INTEL Machine
00271         if (filetype == MOTO)    //MOTO file on INTEL Machine
00272           tiffentry.value = reverse16 ((UINT16) tiffentry.value);
00273         //INTEL file on INTEL Machine NO ACTION NEEDED
00274       }
00275                                  //Clear top 2 MSBytes
00276       tiffentry.value &= 0x0000ffff;
00277     }
00279     //   printf("Tag=%x, Type=%x, Length=%x, value=%x\n",
00280     //     tiffentry.tag,tiffentry.type,tiffentry.length,tiffentry.value);
00281     switch (tiffentry.tag) {
00282       case 0x101:
00283         *ysize = tiffentry.value;
00284         break;
00285       case 0x100:
00286         *xsize = tiffentry.value;
00287         break;
00288       case 0x102:
00289         if (tiffentry.length == 1)
00290           *bpp = (INT8) tiffentry.value;
00291         else
00292           *bpp = 24;
00293         break;
00294       case 0x111:
00295         imagestart = tiffentry.value;
00296         strips = tiffentry.length > 1;
00297         break;
00298       case 0x103:
00299         if (tiffentry.value == 3) {
00300           compressed = TRUE;
00301         }
00302         else if (tiffentry.value != 1) {
00303           BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Compression");
00304           return -1;
00305         }
00306         break;
00307       case 0x11a:
00308       case 0x11b:
00309                                  //resolution
00310         resoffset = tiffentry.value;
00311         break;
00312       case 0x106:
00313         *photo = (INT8) tiffentry.value;
00314         break;
00315     }                            //endswitch
00316   }
00317   if (*xsize <= 0 || *ysize <= 0 || *bpp > 24 || imagestart <= 0) {
00318     BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Vital tag");
00319     return -1;
00320   }
00321   tprintf ("Image has %d bit%c per pixel and size (%d,%d)\n",
00322     *bpp, *bpp == 1 ? ' ' : 's', *xsize, *ysize);
00323   if (resoffset >= 0) {
00324     lseek (fd, resoffset, 0);
00325     if (read (fd, (char *) &resinfo, sizeof (resinfo)) != sizeof (resinfo)) {
00326       READFAILED.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Resolution");
00327       return -1;
00328     }
00329     if (filetype != __NATIVE__) {
00330 = reverse32 (;
00331       resinfo.bottom = reverse32 (resinfo.bottom);
00332     }
00333     *res = / resinfo.bottom;
00334     tprintf ("Resolution=%d\n", *res);
00335   }
00336   lseek (fd, (long) imagestart, 0);
00337   if (strips) {
00338     if (read (fd, (char *) &imagestart, sizeof (imagestart)) !=
00339     sizeof (imagestart)) {
00340       READFAILED.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Strip offset");
00341       return -1;
00342     }
00343     if (filetype != __NATIVE__)
00344       imagestart = reverse32 (imagestart);
00345                                  //indirection
00346     lseek (fd, (long) imagestart, 0);
00347   }
00348   return compressed ? -2 : 0;
00349 }
00355 INT8 read_tif_image(                //read whole image
00356                     int fd,         //file to read
00357                     UINT8 *pixels,  //pixels of image
00358                     INT32 xsize,    //size of image
00359                     INT32 ysize,
00360                     INT8 bpp,       //bits per pixel
00361                     INT32           //bytes per line
00362                    ) {
00363   INT32 xindex;                  //indices in image
00364   INT32 yindex;
00365   INT32 length;                  //short length
00366   INT32 biglength;               //extender
00367   UINT8 *lengths;                //current lengths
00368   UINT16 *codes;                 //current codes
00369   UINT16 codeword;               //current code word
00370   IMAGELINE imageline;           //current line
00371   IMAGE image;                   //dummy image
00372   R_BITSTREAM bits;              //read bitstream
00373   UINT8 colour;                  //current colour
00375   image.capture (pixels, xsize, ysize, bpp);
00376   codeword = (fd);     //open bitstream
00377   read_eol(&bits, codeword);  //find end of line
00378   for (yindex = ysize - 1; yindex >= 0; yindex--) {
00379     imageline.init ();
00380     colour = TRUE;
00381     for (xindex = 0; xindex < xsize;) {
00382       if (colour) {
00383         lengths = long_white_lengths;
00384         codes = long_white_codes;
00385       }
00386       else {
00387         lengths = long_black_lengths;
00388         codes = long_black_codes;
00389       }
00390       for (biglength = 0; biglength < LONG_CODE_SIZE
00391         && (codeword & bits.masks (*lengths))
00392         != *codes; codes++, lengths++, biglength++);
00393       if (biglength < LONG_CODE_SIZE) {
00394         codeword = bits.read_code (*lengths);
00395         biglength++;
00396         biglength *= SHORT_CODE_SIZE;
00397       }
00398       else
00399         biglength = 0;
00400       if (colour) {
00401         lengths = short_white_lengths;
00402         codes = short_white_codes;
00403       }
00404       else {
00405         lengths = short_black_lengths;
00406         codes = short_black_codes;
00407       }
00408       for (length = 0; length < SHORT_CODE_SIZE
00409         && (codeword & bits.masks (*lengths))
00410         != *codes; codes++, lengths++, length++);
00411       if (length < SHORT_CODE_SIZE) {
00412         codeword = bits.read_code (*lengths);
00413         for (length += biglength; length > 0; length--, xindex++)
00414           imageline.pixels[xindex] = colour;
00415         colour = !colour;
00416       }
00417       else
00418         break;
00419     }
00420     if (xindex < xsize) {
00421       tprintf ("%d pixels short on line %d", xsize - xindex, yindex);
00422       tprintf (", unknown code=%x\n", codeword);
00423     }
00424     xindex = read_eol (&bits, codeword);
00425     if (xindex > 0)
00426       tprintf ("Discarding %d bits on line %d\n", xindex, yindex);
00427     image.put_line (0, yindex, xsize, &imageline, 0);
00428   }
00429   return 0;
00430 }
00436 INT32 read_eol(                    //read end of line
00437                R_BITSTREAM *bits,  //bitstream to read
00438                UINT16 &code        //current code
00439               ) {
00440   BOOL8 anyones;                 //any 1 bits skipped
00441   INT32 bitcount;                //total bits skipped
00443   anyones = FALSE;
00444   bitcount = 0;
00445   while ((code & EOL_MASK) != EOL_CODE) {
00446     if (code & 1)
00447       anyones = TRUE;            //discarded one bit
00448     bitcount++;                  //total discarded bits
00449     code = bits->read_code (1);  //take single bits
00450   }
00451                                  //extract EOL code
00452   code = bits->read_code (EOL_LENGTH);
00454   if (!anyones)
00455     bitcount = 0;                //ignore filler bits
00456   return bitcount;
00457 }
00463 INT8 write_moto_tif(                //write whole image
00464                     int fd,         //file to write on
00465                     UINT8 *pixels,  //image pixels
00466                     INT32 xsize,    //size of image
00467                     INT32 ysize,
00468                     INT8 bpp,       //bits per pixel
00469                     INT8 photo,
00470                     INT32 res       //resolution
00471                    ) {
00472   return write_tif_image (fd, pixels, xsize, ysize, bpp, res, MOTO, photo);
00473   //use moto format
00474 }
00480 INT8 write_intel_tif(                //write whole image
00481                      int fd,         //file to write on
00482                      UINT8 *pixels,  //image pixels
00483                      INT32 xsize,    //size of image
00484                      INT32 ysize,
00485                      INT8 bpp,       //bits per pixel
00486                      INT8 photo,
00487                      INT32 res       //resolution
00488                     ) {
00489   return write_tif_image (fd, pixels, xsize, ysize, bpp, res, INTEL, photo);
00490   //use intel format
00491 }
00497 INT8 write_inverse_tif(                //write whole image
00498                        int fd,         //file to write on
00499                        UINT8 *pixels,  //image pixels
00500                        INT32 xsize,    //size of image
00501                        INT32 ysize,
00502                        INT8 bpp,       //bits per pixel
00503                        INT8 photo,
00504                        INT32 res       //resolution
00505                       ) {
00506   return write_tif_image (fd, pixels, xsize, ysize, bpp, res, INTEL,
00507     1 - photo);
00508   //use intel format
00509 }
00515 INT8 write_tif_image(                //write whole image
00516                      int fd,         //file to write on
00517                      UINT8 *pixels,  //image pixels
00518                      INT32 xsize,    //size of image
00519                      INT32 ysize,
00520                      INT8 bpp,       //bits per pixel
00521                      INT32 res,      //resolution
00522                      INT16 type,     //format type
00523                      INT16 photo     //metric interp
00524                     ) {
00525   INT32 size;                    //line/image size
00526   INT16 entries;                 //no of tiff entries
00527   INT32 start;                   //start of tag table
00528   INT32 zero = 0;
00529   MYRATIONAL resolution;         //resolution
00530   TIFFENTRY entry;               //current entry
00532   static TIFFENTRY tags[ENTRIES] = {
00533     {0xfe, 4, 1, 0},
00534     {0x100, 3, 1, 0},
00535     {0x101, 3, 1, 0},
00536     {0x102, 3, 1, 0},
00537     {0x103, 3, 1, 1},
00538     {0x106, 3, 1, 1},
00539     {                            /*line art */
00540       0x107, 3, 1, 1
00541     },
00542     {0x10a, 3, 1, 1},
00543     {
00544       0x111, 4, 1, START + ENTRIES * sizeof (TIFFENTRY)
00545       + sizeof (INT32) + sizeof (short) + sizeof (MYRATIONAL) * 2
00546     }
00547     ,
00548     {0x112, 3, 1, 1}
00549     ,
00550     {0x115, 3, 1, 1}
00551     ,
00552     {0x116, 4, 1, 0}
00553     ,
00554     {0x117, 4, 1, 0}
00555     ,
00556     {0x118, 3, 1, 0}
00557     ,
00558     {0x119, 3, 1, 1}
00559     ,
00560     {
00561       0x11a, 5, 1, START + ENTRIES * sizeof (TIFFENTRY)
00562       + sizeof (INT32) + sizeof (short)
00563     },
00564     {
00565       0x11b, 5, 1, START + ENTRIES * sizeof (TIFFENTRY)
00566       + sizeof (INT32) + sizeof (short) + sizeof (MYRATIONAL)
00567     }
00568     ,
00569     {0x11c, 3, 1, 1}
00570     ,
00571     {0x128, 3, 1, 2}
00572   };
00574 = res;
00575   resolution.bottom = 1;
00576   if (write (fd, (char *) &type, sizeof type) != sizeof type
00577   || type != INTEL && type != MOTO) {
00578     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Filetype");
00579     return -1;
00580   }
00581   start = START;
00582   entries = 0x002a;
00583   if (type != __NATIVE__)
00584     entries = reverse16 (entries);
00585   if (write (fd, (char *) &entries, sizeof entries) != sizeof entries) {
00586     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Version");
00587     return -1;
00588   }
00589   if (type != __NATIVE__)
00590     start = reverse32 (start);
00591   if (write (fd, (char *) &start, sizeof start) != sizeof start) {
00592     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Start");
00593     return -1;
00594   }
00595   lseek (fd, (long) START, 0);
00596   entries = ENTRIES;
00597   if (type != __NATIVE__)
00598     entries = reverse16 (entries);
00599   if (write (fd, (char *) &entries, sizeof entries) != sizeof entries) {
00600     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Entries");
00601     return -1;
00602   }
00603                                  //line length
00604   size = COMPUTE_IMAGE_XDIM (xsize, bpp);
00605   size *= ysize;                 //total image size
00606   //      if (photo==0)
00607   //      {
00608   //              tags[0].tag=0xfe;
00609   //              tags[0].type=4;
00610   //              tags[0].value=0;
00611   //      }
00612   //      else
00613   //      {
00614   //              tags[0].tag=0xff;
00615   //              tags[0].type=3;
00616   //              tags[0].value=1;
00617   //      }
00618   tags[1].value = xsize;
00619   tags[2].value = ysize;
00620   if (bpp == 24) {
00621     tags[3].value = 8;
00622     tags[10].value = 3;
00623     tags[5].value = 2;
00624   }
00625   else {
00626     tags[3].value = bpp;
00627     tags[5].value = photo;
00628   }
00629   tags[11].value = ysize;
00630   tags[14].value = (1 << bpp) - 1;
00631   tags[12].value = size;
00632   for (entries = 0; entries < ENTRIES; entries++) {
00633     entry = tags[entries];       //get an entry
00634     /* NB Convert entry.value BEFORE converting entry.type!!! */
00635     if (entry.type != 3) {       //Full 32bit value
00636       if (type != __NATIVE__)
00637         entry.value = reverse32 (entry.value);
00638     }
00639     else {
00640       /* A 16bit value in 4 bytes - handle with care.
00641         SEE NOTE at start of file */
00642       entry.value &= 0x0000ffff; //Ensure top 2 MSBytes clear
00643       if (__NATIVE__ == MOTO) {
00644         if (type == MOTO)        //MOTO file on MOTO Machine
00645           entry.value = entry.value << 16;
00646         else                     //INTEL file on MOTO Machine
00647           entry.value = reverse32 (entry.value);
00648       }
00649       else {                     //INTEL Machine
00650         if (type == MOTO)        //MOTO file on INTEL Machine
00651           entry.value = reverse16 ((UINT16) entry.value);
00652         //INTEL file on INTEL Machine NO ACTION NEEDED
00653       }
00654     }
00655     if (type != __NATIVE__) {
00656       entry.tag = reverse16 (entry.tag);
00657       entry.type = reverse16 (entry.type);
00658       entry.length = reverse32 (entry.length);
00659     }
00660     if (write (fd, (char *) &entry, sizeof (TIFFENTRY)) !=
00661     sizeof (TIFFENTRY)) {
00662       WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Tag Table");
00663       return -1;
00664     }
00665   }
00666   if (write (fd, (char *) &zero, sizeof zero) != sizeof zero) {
00667     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Tag table Terminator");
00668     return -1;
00669   }
00670   if (type != __NATIVE__) {
00671 = reverse32 (;
00672     resolution.bottom = reverse32 (resolution.bottom);
00673   }
00674   if (write (fd, (char *) &resolution, sizeof resolution) != sizeof resolution
00675     || write (fd, (char *) &resolution,
00676   sizeof resolution) != sizeof resolution) {
00677     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Resolution");
00678     return -1;
00679   }
00680   if (write (fd, (char *) pixels, (size_t) size) != size) {
00681     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Image");
00682     return -1;
00683   }
00684   close(fd); 
00685   return 0;
00686 }
00689 /* ==================
00690  * reverse32
00691  *
00692  * Byte swap the 32 bit number between Motorola & Intel format.
00693  ==================== */
00695 //INT32   reverse32(  //reverse 32 bit int
00696 //UINT32  value       //value to reverse
00697 //)
00698 //{
00699 //      return (value>>24) | (value>>8) & 0xff00
00700 //      | (value<<8) & 0xff0000 | (value<<24);
00701 //}
00703 /* ==================
00704  * reverse16
00705  *
00706  * Byte swap the 16 bit number between Motorola & Intel format.
00707  ==================== */
00709 //INT16   reverse16(  //reverse 16 bit int
00710 //UINT16  value       //value to reverse
00711 //)
00712 //{
00713 //      return (value>>8) | (value<<8);
00714 //}

Generated on Wed Feb 28 19:49:11 2007 for Tesseract by  doxygen 1.5.1