
Go to the documentation of this file.
00020 #include "mfcpch.h"
00021 #include          <stdlib.h>
00022 #include          "statistc.h"
00023 #include          "memry.h"
00024 #include          "statistc.h"
00025 #include          "lmedsq.h"
00027 #define EXTERN
00031 EXTERN INT_VAR (lms_line_trials, 12, "Number of linew fits to do");
00035 #define SEED1       0x1234
00036 #define SEED2       0x5678
00037 #define SEED3       0x9abc
00038 #define LMS_MAX_FAILURES  3
00040 #ifndef __UNIX__
00041 UINT32 nrand48(               //get random number
00042                UINT16 *seeds  //seeds to use
00043               ) {
00044   static UINT32 seed = 0;        //only seed
00046   if (seed == 0) {
00047     seed = seeds[0] ^ (seeds[1] << 8) ^ (seeds[2] << 16);
00048     srand(seed); 
00049   }
00050                                  //make 32 bit one
00051   return rand () | (rand () << 16);
00052 }
00053 #endif
00060 LMS::LMS (                       //constructor
00061 INT32 size                       //samplesize
00062 ):samplesize (size) {
00063   samplecount = 0;
00064   a = 0;
00065   m = 0.0f;
00066   c = 0.0f;
00067   samples = (FCOORD *) alloc_mem (size * sizeof (FCOORD));
00068   errors = (float *) alloc_mem (size * sizeof (float));
00069   line_error = 0.0f;
00070   fitted = FALSE;
00071 }
00079 LMS::~LMS (
00080 ) {
00081   free_mem(samples); 
00082   free_mem(errors); 
00083 }
00091 void LMS::clear() {  //clear sample
00092   samplecount = 0;
00093   fitted = FALSE;
00094 }
00102 void LMS::add(               //add sample
00103               FCOORD sample  //sample coords
00104              ) {
00105   if (samplecount < samplesize)
00106                                  //save it
00107     samples[samplecount++] = sample;
00108   fitted = FALSE;
00109 }
00117 void LMS::fit(               //fit sample
00118               float &out_m,  //output line
00119               float &out_c) {
00120   INT32 index;                   //of median
00121   INT32 trials;                  //no of medians
00122   float test_m, test_c;          //candidate line
00123   float test_error;              //error of test line
00125   switch (samplecount) {
00126     case 0:
00127       m = 0.0f;                  //no info
00128       c = 0.0f;
00129       line_error = 0.0f;
00130       break;
00132     case 1:
00133       m = 0.0f;
00134       c = samples[0].y ();       //horiz thru pt
00135       line_error = 0.0f;
00136       break;
00138     case 2:
00139       if (samples[0].x () != samples[1].x ()) {
00140         m = (samples[1].y () - samples[0].y ())
00141           / (samples[1].x () - samples[0].x ());
00142         c = samples[0].y () - m * samples[0].x ();
00143       }
00144       else {
00145         m = 0.0f;
00146         c = (samples[0].y () + samples[1].y ()) / 2;
00147       }
00148       line_error = 0.0f;
00149       break;
00151     default:
00152       pick_line(m, c);  //use pts at random
00153       compute_errors(m, c);  //from given line
00154       index = choose_nth_item (samplecount / 2, errors, samplecount);
00155       line_error = errors[index];
00156       for (trials = 1; trials < lms_line_trials; trials++) {
00157                                  //random again
00158         pick_line(test_m, test_c); 
00159         compute_errors(test_m, test_c); 
00160         index = choose_nth_item (samplecount / 2, errors, samplecount);
00161         test_error = errors[index];
00162         if (test_error < line_error) {
00163                                  //find least median
00164           line_error = test_error;
00165           m = test_m;
00166           c = test_c;
00167         }
00168       }
00169   }
00170   fitted = TRUE;
00171   out_m = m;
00172   out_c = c;
00173   a = 0;
00174 }
00182 void LMS::fit_quadratic(                          //fit sample
00183                         float outlier_threshold,  //min outlier size
00184                         double &out_a,            //x squared
00185                         float &out_b,             //output line
00186                         float &out_c) {
00187   INT32 trials;                  //no of medians
00188   double test_a;
00189   float test_b, test_c;          //candidate line
00190   float test_error;              //error of test line
00192   if (samplecount < 3) {
00193     out_a = 0;
00194     fit(out_b, out_c); 
00195     return;
00196   }
00197   pick_quadratic(a, m, c); 
00198   line_error = compute_quadratic_errors (outlier_threshold, a, m, c);
00199   for (trials = 1; trials < lms_line_trials * 2; trials++) {
00200     pick_quadratic(test_a, test_b, test_c); 
00201     test_error = compute_quadratic_errors (outlier_threshold,
00202       test_a, test_b, test_c);
00203     if (test_error < line_error) {
00204       line_error = test_error;   //find least median
00205       a = test_a;
00206       m = test_b;
00207       c = test_c;
00208     }
00209   }
00210   fitted = TRUE;
00211   out_a = a;
00212   out_b = m;
00213   out_c = c;
00214 }
00223 void LMS::constrained_fit(                //fit sample
00224                           float fixed_m,  //forced gradient
00225                           float &out_c) {
00226   INT32 index;                   //of median
00227   INT32 trials;                  //no of medians
00228   float test_c;                  //candidate line
00229   static UINT16 seeds[3] = { SEED1, SEED2, SEED3 };
00230   //for nrand
00231   float test_error;              //error of test line
00233   m = fixed_m;
00234   switch (samplecount) {
00235     case 0:
00236       c = 0.0f;
00237       line_error = 0.0f;
00238       break;
00240     case 1:
00241                                  //horiz thru pt
00242       c = samples[0].y () - m * samples[0].x ();
00243       line_error = 0.0f;
00244       break;
00246     case 2:
00247       c = (samples[0].y () + samples[1].y ()
00248         - m * (samples[0].x () + samples[1].x ())) / 2;
00249       line_error = m * samples[0].x () + c - samples[0].y ();
00250       line_error *= line_error;
00251       break;
00253     default:
00254       index = (INT32) nrand48 (seeds) % samplecount;
00255                                  //compute line
00256       c = samples[index].y () - m * samples[index].x ();
00257       compute_errors(m, c);  //from given line
00258       index = choose_nth_item (samplecount / 2, errors, samplecount);
00259       line_error = errors[index];
00260       for (trials = 1; trials < lms_line_trials; trials++) {
00261         index = (INT32) nrand48 (seeds) % samplecount;
00262         test_c = samples[index].y () - m * samples[index].x ();
00263         //compute line
00264         compute_errors(m, test_c); 
00265         index = choose_nth_item (samplecount / 2, errors, samplecount);
00266         test_error = errors[index];
00267         if (test_error < line_error) {
00268                                  //find least median
00269           line_error = test_error;
00270           c = test_c;
00271         }
00272       }
00273   }
00274   fitted = TRUE;
00275   out_c = c;
00276   a = 0;
00277 }
00285 void LMS::pick_line(                //fit sample
00286                     float &line_m,  //output gradient
00287                     float &line_c) {
00288   INT16 trial_count;             //no of attempts
00289   static UINT16 seeds[3] = { SEED1, SEED2, SEED3 };
00290   //for nrand
00291   INT32 index1;                  //picked point
00292   INT32 index2;                  //picked point
00294   trial_count = 0;
00295   do {
00296     index1 = (INT32) nrand48 (seeds) % samplecount;
00297     index2 = (INT32) nrand48 (seeds) % samplecount;
00298     line_m = samples[index2].x () - samples[index1].x ();
00299     trial_count++;
00300   }
00301   while (line_m == 0 && trial_count < LMS_MAX_FAILURES);
00302   if (line_m == 0) {
00303     line_c = (samples[index2].y () + samples[index1].y ()) / 2;
00304   }
00305   else {
00306     line_m = (samples[index2].y () - samples[index1].y ()) / line_m;
00307     line_c = samples[index1].y () - samples[index1].x () * line_m;
00308   }
00309 }
00317 void LMS::pick_quadratic(                 //fit sample
00318                          double &line_a,  //x suaread
00319                          float &line_m,   //output gradient
00320                          float &line_c) {
00321   INT16 trial_count;             //no of attempts
00322   static UINT16 seeds[3] = { SEED1, SEED2, SEED3 };
00323   //for nrand
00324   INT32 index1;                  //picked point
00325   INT32 index2;                  //picked point
00326   INT32 index3;
00327   FCOORD x1x2;                   //vector
00328   FCOORD x1x3;
00329   FCOORD x3x2;
00330   double bottom;                 //of a
00332   trial_count = 0;
00333   do {
00334     if (trial_count >= LMS_MAX_FAILURES - 1) {
00335       index1 = 0;
00336       index2 = samplecount / 2;
00337       index3 = samplecount - 1;
00338     }
00339     else {
00340       index1 = (INT32) nrand48 (seeds) % samplecount;
00341       index2 = (INT32) nrand48 (seeds) % samplecount;
00342       index3 = (INT32) nrand48 (seeds) % samplecount;
00343     }
00344     x1x2 = samples[index2] - samples[index1];
00345     x1x3 = samples[index3] - samples[index1];
00346     x3x2 = samples[index2] - samples[index3];
00347     bottom = x1x2.x () * x1x3.x () * x3x2.x ();
00348     trial_count++;
00349   }
00350   while (bottom == 0 && trial_count < LMS_MAX_FAILURES);
00351   if (bottom == 0) {
00352     line_a = 0;
00353     pick_line(line_m, line_c); 
00354   }
00355   else {
00356     line_a = x1x3 * x1x2 / bottom;
00357     line_m = x1x2.y () - line_a * x1x2.x ()
00358       * (samples[index2].x () + samples[index1].x ());
00359     line_m /= x1x2.x ();
00360     line_c = samples[index1].y () - samples[index1].x ()
00361       * (samples[index1].x () * line_a + line_m);
00362   }
00363 }
00371 void LMS::compute_errors(               //fit sample
00372                          float line_m,  //input gradient
00373                          float line_c) {
00374   INT32 index;                   //picked point
00376   for (index = 0; index < samplecount; index++) {
00377     errors[index] =
00378       line_m * samples[index].x () + line_c - samples[index].y ();
00379     errors[index] *= errors[index];
00380   }
00381 }
00389 float LMS::compute_quadratic_errors(                          //fit sample
00390                                     float outlier_threshold,  //min outlier
00391                                     double line_a,
00392                                     float line_m,             //input gradient
00393                                     float line_c) {
00394   INT32 outlier_count;           //total outliers
00395   INT32 index;                   //picked point
00396   INT32 error_count;             //no in total
00397   double total_error;            //summed squares
00399   total_error = 0;
00400   outlier_count = 0;
00401   error_count = 0;
00402   for (index = 0; index < samplecount; index++) {
00403     errors[error_count] = line_c + samples[index].x ()
00404       * (line_m + samples[index].x () * line_a) - samples[index].y ();
00405     errors[error_count] *= errors[error_count];
00406     if (errors[error_count] > outlier_threshold) {
00407       outlier_count++;
00408       errors[samplecount - outlier_count] = errors[error_count];
00409     }
00410     else {
00411       total_error += errors[error_count++];
00412     }
00413   }
00414   if (outlier_count * 3 < error_count)
00415     return total_error / error_count;
00416   else {
00417     index = choose_nth_item (outlier_count / 2,
00418       errors + samplecount - outlier_count,
00419       outlier_count);
00420     //median outlier
00421     return errors[samplecount - outlier_count + index];
00422   }
00423 }
00432 void LMS::plot(               //plot fit
00433                WINDOW win,    //window
00434                COLOUR colour  //colour to draw in
00435               ) {
00436   if (fitted) {
00437     line_color_index(win, colour); 
00438     move2d (win, samples[0].x (),
00439       c + samples[0].x () * (m + samples[0].x () * a));
00440     draw2d (win, samples[samplecount - 1].x (),
00441       c + samples[samplecount - 1].x () * (m +
00442       samples[samplecount -
00443       1].x () * a));
00444   }
00445 }
00446 #endif

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