
Go to the documentation of this file.
00020 #include "mfcpch.h"
00021 #include          "blobbox.h"
00023 #define PROJECTION_MARGIN 10     //arbitrary
00024 #define EXTERN
00028 EXTERN double_VAR (textord_error_weight, 3,
00029 "Weighting for error in believability");
00030 EXTERN BOOL_VAR (pitsync_projection_fix, TRUE,
00031 "Fix bug in projection profile");
00038 void BLOBNBOX::merge(                    //merge blobs
00039                      BLOBNBOX *nextblob  //blob to join with
00040                     ) {
00041   box += nextblob->box;          //merge boxes
00042   nextblob->joined = TRUE;
00043 }
00052 void BLOBNBOX::chop(                        //chop blobs
00053                     BLOBNBOX_IT *start_it,  //location of this
00054                     BLOBNBOX_IT *end_it,    //iterator
00055                     FCOORD rotation,        //for landscape
00056                     float xheight           //of line
00057                    ) {
00058   INT16 blobcount;               //no of blobs
00059   BLOBNBOX *newblob;             //fake blob
00060   BLOBNBOX *blob;                //current blob
00061   INT16 blobindex;               //number of chop
00062   INT16 leftx;                   //left edge of blob
00063   float blobwidth;               //width of each
00064   float rightx;                  //right edge to scan
00065   float ymin, ymax;              //limits of new blob
00066   float test_ymin, test_ymax;    //limits of part blob
00067   ICOORD bl, tr;                 //corners of box
00068   BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it;           //blob iterator
00070                                  //get no of chops
00071   blobcount = (INT16) floor (box.width () / xheight);
00072   if (blobcount > 1 && (blob_ptr != NULL || cblob_ptr != NULL)) {
00073                                  //width of each
00074     blobwidth = (float) (box.width () + 1) / blobcount;
00075     for (blobindex = blobcount - 1, rightx = box.right ();
00076     blobindex >= 0; blobindex--, rightx -= blobwidth) {
00077       ymin = (float) MAX_INT32;
00078       ymax = (float) -MAX_INT32;
00079       blob_it = *start_it;
00080       do {
00081         blob = ();
00082         if (blob->blob_ptr != NULL)
00083           find_blob_limits (blob->blob_ptr, rightx - blobwidth, rightx,
00084             rotation, test_ymin, test_ymax);
00085         else
00086           find_cblob_vlimits (blob->cblob_ptr, rightx - blobwidth,
00087             rightx,
00088             /*rotation, */ test_ymin, test_ymax);
00089         blob_it.forward ();
00090         if (test_ymin < ymin)
00091           ymin = test_ymin;
00092         if (test_ymax > ymax)
00093           ymax = test_ymax;
00094       }
00095       while (blob != end_it->data ());
00096       if (ymin < ymax) {
00097         leftx = (INT16) floor (rightx - blobwidth);
00098         if (leftx < box.left ())
00099           leftx = box.left ();   //clip to real box
00100         bl = ICOORD (leftx, (INT16) floor (ymin));
00101         tr = ICOORD ((INT16) ceil (rightx), (INT16) ceil (ymax));
00102         if (blobindex == 0)
00103           box = BOX (bl, tr);    //change box
00104         else {
00105           newblob = new BLOBNBOX;
00106                                  //box is all it has
00107           newblob->box = BOX (bl, tr);
00108                                  //stay on current
00109           end_it->add_after_stay_put (newblob);
00110         }
00111       }
00112     }
00113   }
00114 }
00121 void find_blob_limits(                  //get y limits
00122                       PBLOB *blob,      //blob to search
00123                       float leftx,      //x limits
00124                       float rightx,
00125                       FCOORD rotation,  //for landscape
00126                       float &ymin,      //output y limits
00127                       float &ymax) {
00128   float testy;                   //y intercept
00129   FCOORD pos;                    //rotated
00130   FCOORD vec;
00131   POLYPT *polypt;                //current point
00132                                  //outlines
00133   OUTLINE_IT out_it = blob->out_list ();
00134   POLYPT_IT poly_it;             //outline pts
00136   ymin = (float) MAX_INT32;
00137   ymax = (float) -MAX_INT32;
00138   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00139                                  //get points
00140     poly_it.set_to_list ( ()->polypts ());
00141     for (poly_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !poly_it.cycled_list ();
00142     poly_it.forward ()) {
00143       polypt = ();
00144       pos = polypt->pos;
00145       pos.rotate (rotation);
00146       vec = polypt->vec;
00147       vec.rotate (rotation);
00148       if (pos.x () < leftx && pos.x () + vec.x () > leftx
00149       || pos.x () > leftx && pos.x () + vec.x () < leftx) {
00150         testy = pos.y () + vec.y () * (leftx - pos.x ()) / vec.x ();
00151         //intercept of boundary
00152         if (testy < ymin)
00153           ymin = testy;
00154         if (testy > ymax)
00155           ymax = testy;
00156       }
00157       if (pos.x () >= leftx && pos.x () <= rightx) {
00158         if (pos.y () > ymax)
00159           ymax = pos.y ();
00160         if (pos.y () < ymin)
00161           ymin = pos.y ();
00162       }
00163       if (pos.x () > rightx && pos.x () + vec.x () < rightx
00164       || pos.x () < rightx && pos.x () + vec.x () > rightx) {
00165         testy = pos.y () + vec.y () * (rightx - pos.x ()) / vec.x ();
00166         //intercept of boundary
00167         if (testy < ymin)
00168           ymin = testy;
00169         if (testy > ymax)
00170           ymax = testy;
00171       }
00172     }
00173   }
00174 }
00181 void find_cblob_limits(                  //get y limits
00182                        C_BLOB *blob,     //blob to search
00183                        float leftx,      //x limits
00184                        float rightx,
00185                        FCOORD rotation,  //for landscape
00186                        float &ymin,      //output y limits
00187                        float &ymax) {
00188   INT16 stepindex;               //current point
00189   ICOORD pos;                    //current coords
00190   ICOORD vec;                    //rotated step
00191   C_OUTLINE *outline;            //current outline
00192                                  //outlines
00193   C_OUTLINE_IT out_it = blob->out_list ();
00195   ymin = (float) MAX_INT32;
00196   ymax = (float) -MAX_INT32;
00197   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00198     outline = ();
00199     pos = outline->start_pos (); //get coords
00200     pos.rotate (rotation);
00201     for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < outline->pathlength (); stepindex++) {
00202                                  //inside
00203       if (pos.x () >= leftx && pos.x () <= rightx) {
00204         if (pos.y () > ymax)
00205           ymax = pos.y ();
00206         if (pos.y () < ymin)
00207           ymin = pos.y ();
00208       }
00209       vec = outline->step (stepindex);
00210       vec.rotate (rotation);
00211       pos += vec;                //move to next
00212     }
00213   }
00214 }
00221 void find_cblob_vlimits(               //get y limits
00222                         C_BLOB *blob,  //blob to search
00223                         float leftx,   //x limits
00224                         float rightx,
00225                         float &ymin,   //output y limits
00226                         float &ymax) {
00227   INT16 stepindex;               //current point
00228   ICOORD pos;                    //current coords
00229   ICOORD vec;                    //rotated step
00230   C_OUTLINE *outline;            //current outline
00231                                  //outlines
00232   C_OUTLINE_IT out_it = blob->out_list ();
00234   ymin = (float) MAX_INT32;
00235   ymax = (float) -MAX_INT32;
00236   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00237     outline = ();
00238     pos = outline->start_pos (); //get coords
00239     for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < outline->pathlength (); stepindex++) {
00240                                  //inside
00241       if (pos.x () >= leftx && pos.x () <= rightx) {
00242         if (pos.y () > ymax)
00243           ymax = pos.y ();
00244         if (pos.y () < ymin)
00245           ymin = pos.y ();
00246       }
00247       vec = outline->step (stepindex);
00248       pos += vec;                //move to next
00249     }
00250   }
00251 }
00258 void find_cblob_hlimits(                //get x limits
00259                         C_BLOB *blob,   //blob to search
00260                         float bottomy,  //y limits
00261                         float topy,
00262                         float &xmin,    //output x limits
00263                         float &xmax) {
00264   INT16 stepindex;               //current point
00265   ICOORD pos;                    //current coords
00266   ICOORD vec;                    //rotated step
00267   C_OUTLINE *outline;            //current outline
00268                                  //outlines
00269   C_OUTLINE_IT out_it = blob->out_list ();
00271   xmin = (float) MAX_INT32;
00272   xmax = (float) -MAX_INT32;
00273   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00274     outline = ();
00275     pos = outline->start_pos (); //get coords
00276     for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < outline->pathlength (); stepindex++) {
00277                                  //inside
00278       if (pos.y () >= bottomy && pos.y () <= topy) {
00279         if (pos.x () > xmax)
00280           xmax = pos.x ();
00281         if (pos.x () < xmin)
00282           xmin = pos.x ();
00283       }
00284       vec = outline->step (stepindex);
00285       pos += vec;                //move to next
00286     }
00287   }
00288 }
00294 PBLOB *rotate_blob(                 //get y limits
00295                    PBLOB *blob,     //blob to search
00296                    FCOORD rotation  //vector to rotate by
00297                   ) {
00298   PBLOB *copy;                   //copy of blob
00299   POLYPT *polypt;                //current point
00300   OUTLINE_IT out_it;
00301   POLYPT_IT poly_it;             //outline pts
00303   copy = new PBLOB;
00304   *copy = *blob;                 //deep copy
00305   out_it.set_to_list (copy->out_list ());
00306   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00307                                  //get points
00308     poly_it.set_to_list ( ()->polypts ());
00309     for (poly_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !poly_it.cycled_list ();
00310     poly_it.forward ()) {
00311       polypt = ();
00312                                  //rotate it
00313       polypt->pos.rotate (rotation);
00314       polypt->vec.rotate (rotation);
00315     }
00316 ()->compute_bb ();
00317   }
00318   return copy;
00319 }
00325 PBLOB *rotate_cblob(                 //rotate it
00326                     C_BLOB *blob,    //blob to search
00327                     float xheight,   //for poly approx
00328                     FCOORD rotation  //for landscape
00329                    ) {
00330   PBLOB *copy;                   //copy of blob
00331   POLYPT *polypt;                //current point
00332   OUTLINE_IT out_it;
00333   POLYPT_IT poly_it;             //outline pts
00335   copy = new PBLOB (blob, xheight);
00336   out_it.set_to_list (copy->out_list ());
00337   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00338                                  //get points
00339     poly_it.set_to_list ( ()->polypts ());
00340     for (poly_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !poly_it.cycled_list ();
00341     poly_it.forward ()) {
00342       polypt = ();
00343                                  //rotate it
00344       polypt->pos.rotate (rotation);
00345       polypt->vec.rotate (rotation);
00346     }
00347 ()->compute_bb ();
00348   }
00349   return copy;
00350 }
00356 C_BLOB *crotate_cblob(                 //rotate it
00357                       C_BLOB *blob,    //blob to search
00358                       FCOORD rotation  //for landscape
00359                      ) {
00360   C_OUTLINE_LIST out_list;       //output outlines
00361                                  //input outlines
00362   C_OUTLINE_IT in_it = blob->out_list ();
00363                                  //output outlines
00364   C_OUTLINE_IT out_it = &out_list;
00366   for (in_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !in_it.cycled_list (); in_it.forward ()) {
00367     out_it.add_after_then_move (new C_OUTLINE ( (), rotation));
00368   }
00369   return new C_BLOB (&out_list);
00370 }
00379 BOX box_next(                 //get bounding box
00380              BLOBNBOX_IT *it  //iterator to blobds
00381             ) {
00382   BLOBNBOX *blob;                //current blob
00383   BOX result;                    //total box
00385   blob = it->data ();
00386   result = blob->bounding_box ();
00387   do {
00388     it->forward ();
00389     blob = it->data ();
00390     if (blob->blob () == NULL && blob->cblob () == NULL)
00391                                  //was pre-chopped
00392       result += blob->bounding_box ();
00393   }
00394                                  //until next real blob
00395   while (blob->blob () == NULL && blob->cblob () == NULL || blob->joined_to_prev ());
00396   return result;
00397 }
00407 BOX box_next_pre_chopped(                 //get bounding box
00408                          BLOBNBOX_IT *it  //iterator to blobds
00409                         ) {
00410   BLOBNBOX *blob;                //current blob
00411   BOX result;                    //total box
00413   blob = it->data ();
00414   result = blob->bounding_box ();
00415   do {
00416     it->forward ();
00417     blob = it->data ();
00418   }
00419                                  //until next real blob
00420   while (blob->joined_to_prev ());
00421   return result;
00422 }
00428 TO_ROW::TO_ROW (                 //constructor
00429 BLOBNBOX * blob,                 //first blob
00430 float top,                       //corrected top
00431 float bottom,                    //of row
00432 float row_size                   //ideal
00433 ):y_min (bottom), y_max (top), initial_y_min (bottom) {
00434   float diff;                    //in size
00435   BLOBNBOX_IT it = &blobs;       //list of blobs
00437   it.add_to_end (blob);
00438   diff = top - bottom - row_size;
00439   if (diff > 0) {
00440     y_max -= diff / 2;
00441     y_min += diff / 2;
00442   }
00443                                  //very small object
00444   else if ((top - bottom) * 3 < row_size) {
00445     diff = row_size / 3 + bottom - top;
00446     y_max += diff / 2;
00447     y_min -= diff / 2;
00448   }
00449 }
00455 void TO_ROW::add_blob(                 //constructor
00456                       BLOBNBOX *blob,  //first blob
00457                       float top,       //corrected top
00458                       float bottom,    //of row
00459                       float row_size   //ideal
00460                      ) {
00461   float allowed;                 //allowed expansion
00462   float available;               //expansion
00463   BLOBNBOX_IT it = &blobs;       //list of blobs
00465   it.add_to_end (blob);
00466   allowed = row_size + y_min - y_max;
00467   if (allowed > 0) {
00468     available = top > y_max ? top - y_max : 0;
00469     if (bottom < y_min)
00470                                  //total available
00471         available += y_min - bottom;
00472     if (available > 0) {
00473       available += available;    //do it gradually
00474       if (available < allowed)
00475         available = allowed;
00476       if (bottom < y_min)
00477         y_min -= (y_min - bottom) * allowed / available;
00478       if (top > y_max)
00479         y_max += (top - y_max) * allowed / available;
00480     }
00481   }
00482 }
00488 void TO_ROW::insert_blob(                //constructor
00489                          BLOBNBOX *blob  //first blob
00490                         ) {
00491   BLOBNBOX_IT it = &blobs;       //list of blobs
00493   if (it.empty ())
00494     it.add_before_then_move (blob);
00495   else {
00496     it.mark_cycle_pt ();
00497     while (!it.cycled_list ()
00498       && ()->bounding_box ().left () <=
00499       blob->bounding_box ().left ())
00500       it.forward ();
00501     if (it.cycled_list ())
00502       it.add_to_end (blob);
00503     else
00504       it.add_before_stay_put (blob);
00505   }
00506 }
00512 void TO_ROW::compute_vertical_projection() {  //project whole row
00513   BOX row_box;                   //bound of row
00514   BLOBNBOX *blob;                //current blob
00515   BOX blob_box;                  //bounding box
00516   BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it = blob_list ();
00518   if (blob_it.empty ())
00519     return;
00520   row_box = ()->bounding_box ();
00521   for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list (); blob_it.forward ())
00522     row_box += ()->bounding_box ();
00524   projection.set_range (row_box.left () - PROJECTION_MARGIN,
00525     row_box.right () + PROJECTION_MARGIN);
00526   projection_left = row_box.left () - PROJECTION_MARGIN;
00527   projection_right = row_box.right () + PROJECTION_MARGIN;
00528   for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list (); blob_it.forward ()) {
00529     blob = ();
00530     if (blob->blob () != NULL)
00531       vertical_blob_projection (blob->blob (), &projection);
00532     else if (blob->cblob () != NULL)
00533       vertical_cblob_projection (blob->cblob (), &projection);
00534   }
00535 }
00544 void vertical_blob_projection(              //project outlines
00545                               PBLOB *blob,  //blob to project
00546                               STATS *stats  //output
00547                              ) {
00548                                  //outlines of blob
00549   OUTLINE_IT out_it = blob->out_list ();
00551   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00552     vertical_outline_projection ( (), stats);
00553   }
00554 }
00563 void vertical_outline_projection(                   //project outlines
00564                                  OUTLINE *outline,  //outline to project
00565                                  STATS *stats       //output
00566                                 ) {
00567   POLYPT *polypt;                //current point
00568   INT32 xcoord;                  //current pixel coord
00569   float end_x;                   //end of vec
00570   POLYPT_IT poly_it = outline->polypts ();
00571   OUTLINE_IT out_it = outline->child ();
00572   float ymean;                   //amount to add
00573   float width;                   //amount of x
00575   for (poly_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !poly_it.cycled_list (); poly_it.forward ()) {
00576     polypt = ();
00577     end_x = polypt->pos.x () + polypt->vec.x ();
00578     if (polypt->vec.x () > 0) {
00579       for (xcoord = (INT32) floor (polypt->pos.x ());
00580       xcoord < end_x; xcoord++) {
00581         if (polypt->pos.x () < xcoord) {
00582           width = (float) xcoord;
00583           ymean =
00584             polypt->vec.y () * (xcoord -
00585             polypt->pos.x ()) / polypt->vec.x () +
00586             polypt->pos.y ();
00587         }
00588         else {
00589           width = polypt->pos.x ();
00590           ymean = polypt->pos.y ();
00591         }
00592         if (end_x > xcoord + 1) {
00593           width -= xcoord + 1;
00594           ymean +=
00595             polypt->vec.y () * (xcoord + 1 -
00596             polypt->pos.x ()) / polypt->vec.x () +
00597             polypt->pos.y ();
00598         }
00599         else {
00600           width -= end_x;
00601           ymean += polypt->pos.y () + polypt->vec.y ();
00602         }
00603         ymean = ymean * width / 2;
00604         stats->add (xcoord, (INT32) floor (ymean + 0.5));
00605       }
00606     }
00607     else if (polypt->vec.x () < 0) {
00608       for (xcoord = (INT32) floor (end_x);
00609       xcoord < polypt->pos.x (); xcoord++) {
00610         if (polypt->pos.x () > xcoord + 1) {
00611           width = xcoord + 1.0f;
00612           ymean =
00613             polypt->vec.y () * (xcoord + 1 -
00614             polypt->pos.x ()) / polypt->vec.x () +
00615             polypt->pos.y ();
00616         }
00617         else {
00618           width = polypt->pos.x ();
00619           ymean = polypt->pos.y ();
00620         }
00621         if (end_x < xcoord) {
00622           width -= xcoord;
00623           ymean +=
00624             polypt->vec.y () * (xcoord -
00625             polypt->pos.x ()) / polypt->vec.x () +
00626             polypt->pos.y ();
00627         }
00628         else {
00629           width -= end_x;
00630           ymean += polypt->pos.y () + polypt->vec.y ();
00631         }
00632         ymean = ymean * width / 2;
00633         stats->add (xcoord, (INT32) floor (ymean + 0.5));
00634       }
00635     }
00636   }
00638   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00639     vertical_outline_projection ( (), stats);
00640   }
00641 }
00650 void vertical_cblob_projection(               //project outlines
00651                                C_BLOB *blob,  //blob to project
00652                                STATS *stats   //output
00653                               ) {
00654                                  //outlines of blob
00655   C_OUTLINE_IT out_it = blob->out_list ();
00657   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00658     vertical_coutline_projection ( (), stats);
00659   }
00660 }
00669 void vertical_coutline_projection(                     //project outlines
00670                                   C_OUTLINE *outline,  //outline to project
00671                                   STATS *stats         //output
00672                                  ) {
00673   ICOORD pos;                    //current point
00674   ICOORD step;                   //edge step
00675   INT32 length;                  //of outline
00676   INT16 stepindex;               //current step
00677   C_OUTLINE_IT out_it = outline->child ();
00679   pos = outline->start_pos ();
00680   length = outline->pathlength ();
00681   for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < length; stepindex++) {
00682     step = outline->step (stepindex);
00683     if (step.x () > 0) {
00684       if (pitsync_projection_fix)
00685         stats->add (pos.x (), -pos.y ());
00686       else
00687         stats->add (pos.x (), pos.y ());
00688     }
00689     else if (step.x () < 0) {
00690       if (pitsync_projection_fix)
00691         stats->add (pos.x () - 1, pos.y ());
00692       else
00693         stats->add (pos.x () - 1, -pos.y ());
00694     }
00695     pos += step;
00696   }
00698   for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
00699     vertical_coutline_projection ( (), stats);
00700   }
00701 }
00709 TO_BLOCK::TO_BLOCK(                  //make a block
00710                    BLOCK *src_block  //real block
00711                   ) {
00712   block = src_block;
00713 }
00715 static void clear_blobnboxes(BLOBNBOX_LIST* boxes) {
00716   BLOBNBOX_IT it = boxes;
00717   // A BLOBNBOX generally doesn't own its blobs, so if they do, you
00718   // have to delete them explicitly.
00719   for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
00720     BLOBNBOX* box =;
00721     if (box->blob() != NULL)
00722       delete box->blob();
00723     if (box->cblob() != NULL)
00724       delete box->cblob();
00725   }
00726 }
00728 TO_BLOCK::~TO_BLOCK() {
00729   // Any residual BLOBNBOXes at this stage own their blobs, so delete them.
00730   clear_blobnboxes(&blobs);
00731   clear_blobnboxes(&underlines);
00732   clear_blobnboxes(&noise_blobs);
00733   clear_blobnboxes(&small_blobs);
00734   clear_blobnboxes(&large_blobs);
00735 }

Generated on Wed Feb 28 19:49:08 2007 for Tesseract by  doxygen 1.5.1