
Go to the documentation of this file.
00020 #include "mfcpch.h"
00021 #include          "pithsync.h"
00022 #include          "topitch.h"
00023 #include          "drawtord.h"
00024 #include          "debugwin.h"
00026 #define TO_WIN_XPOS     -1       //default window pos
00027 #define TO_WIN_YPOS     0
00028 #define TO_WIN_NAME     "Textord"
00029                                  //title of window
00030 #define DEBUG_WIN_NAME    "TODebug"
00031 #define DEBUG_XPOS      0
00032 #define DEBUG_YPOS      120
00033 #define DEBUG_XSIZE     80
00034 #define DEBUG_YSIZE     32
00035 #define YMAX        3508
00036 #define XMAX        2550
00038 #define EXTERN
00042 EXTERN BOOL_VAR (textord_show_fixed_cuts, FALSE,
00043 "Draw fixed pitch cell boundaries");
00044 EXTERN STRING_VAR (to_debugfile, DEBUG_WIN_NAME, "Name of debugfile");
00045 EXTERN STRING_VAR (to_smdfile, NO_SMD, "Name of SMD file");
00049 EXTERN FILE *to_debug = NULL;
00054 void create_to_win(                //make features win
00055                    ICOORD page_tr  //size of page
00056                   ) {
00057   if (strcmp (to_smdfile.string (), NO_SMD)) {
00058     to_win = create_window (to_smdfile.string (), SMDWINDOW,
00059       0, 0, page_tr.x () + 1, page_tr.y () + 1,
00060       0.0, page_tr.x (), 0.0, page_tr.y (),
00061       TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
00062   }
00063   else {
00064     to_win = create_window (TO_WIN_NAME, SCROLLINGWIN,
00065       TO_WIN_XPOS, TO_WIN_YPOS, 0, 0,
00066       0.0, page_tr.x (), 0.0, page_tr.y (),
00067       TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
00068   }
00069 }
00075 void close_to_win() {  //make features win
00076   if (to_win != NO_WINDOW && strcmp (to_smdfile.string (), NO_SMD)) {
00077     destroy_window(to_win); 
00078     overlap_picture_ops(TRUE); 
00079   }
00080 }
00086 void create_todebug_win() {  //make gradients win
00087   if (strcmp (to_debugfile.string (), DEBUG_WIN_NAME) != 0)
00088     //              create_debug_window();
00089     //      else
00090     to_debug = fopen (to_debugfile.string (), "w");
00091 }
00097 void plot_blob_list(                      //make gradients win
00098                     WINDOW win,           //window to draw in
00099                     BLOBNBOX_LIST *list,  //blob list
00100                     COLOUR body_colour,   //colour to draw
00101                     COLOUR child_colour   //colour of child
00102                    ) {
00103   BLOBNBOX_IT it = list;         //iterator
00105   for (it.mark_cycle_pt (); !it.cycled_list (); it.forward ()) {
00106     it.data ()->plot (win, body_colour, child_colour);
00107   }
00108 }
00114 void plot_box_list(                      //make gradients win
00115                    WINDOW win,           //window to draw in
00116                    BLOBNBOX_LIST *list,  //blob list
00117                    COLOUR body_colour    //colour to draw
00118                   ) {
00119   BLOBNBOX_IT it = list;         //iterator
00121   perimeter_color_index(win, body_colour); 
00122   interior_style(win, INT_HOLLOW, TRUE); 
00123   for (it.mark_cycle_pt (); !it.cycled_list (); it.forward ()) {
00124     it.data ()->bounding_box ().plot (win);
00125   }
00126 }
00132 void plot_to_row(                 //draw a row
00133                  TO_ROW *row,     //row to draw
00134                  COLOUR colour,   //colour to draw in
00135                  FCOORD rotation  //rotation for line
00136                 ) {
00137   FCOORD plot_pt;                //point to plot
00138                                  //blobs
00139   BLOBNBOX_IT it = row->blob_list ();
00140   float left, right;             //end of row
00142   if (it.empty ()) {
00143     tprintf ("No blobs in row at %g\n", row->parallel_c ());
00144     return;
00145   }
00146   left = it.data ()->bounding_box ().left ();
00147   it.move_to_last ();
00148   right = it.data ()->bounding_box ().right ();
00149   plot_blob_list (to_win, row->blob_list (), colour, BROWN);
00150   line_color_index(to_win, colour); 
00151   plot_pt = FCOORD (left, row->line_m () * left + row->line_c ());
00152   plot_pt.rotate (rotation);
00153   move2d (to_win, plot_pt.x (), plot_pt.y ());
00154   plot_pt = FCOORD (right, row->line_m () * right + row->line_c ());
00155   plot_pt.rotate (rotation);
00156   draw2d (to_win, plot_pt.x (), plot_pt.y ());
00157 }
00163 void plot_parallel_row(                 //draw a row
00164                        TO_ROW *row,     //row to draw
00165                        float gradient,  //gradients of lines
00166                        INT32 left,      //edge of block
00167                        COLOUR colour,   //colour to draw in
00168                        FCOORD rotation  //rotation for line
00169                       ) {
00170   FCOORD plot_pt;                //point to plot
00171                                  //blobs
00172   BLOBNBOX_IT it = row->blob_list ();
00173   float fleft = (float) left;    //floating version
00174   float right;                   //end of row
00176   //      left=it.data()->bounding_box().left();
00177   it.move_to_last ();
00178   right = it.data ()->bounding_box ().right ();
00179   plot_blob_list (to_win, row->blob_list (), colour, BROWN);
00180   line_color_index(to_win, colour); 
00181   plot_pt = FCOORD (fleft, gradient * left + row->max_y ());
00182   plot_pt.rotate (rotation);
00183   move2d (to_win, plot_pt.x (), plot_pt.y ());
00184   plot_pt = FCOORD (fleft, gradient * left + row->min_y ());
00185   plot_pt.rotate (rotation);
00186   draw2d (to_win, plot_pt.x (), plot_pt.y ());
00187   plot_pt = FCOORD (fleft, gradient * left + row->parallel_c ());
00188   plot_pt.rotate (rotation);
00189   move2d (to_win, plot_pt.x (), plot_pt.y ());
00190   plot_pt = FCOORD (right, gradient * right + row->parallel_c ());
00191   plot_pt.rotate (rotation);
00192   draw2d (to_win, plot_pt.x (), plot_pt.y ());
00193 }
00202 void
00203 draw_occupation (                //draw projection
00204 INT32 xleft,                     //edge of block
00205 INT32 ybottom,                   //bottom of block
00206 INT32 min_y,                     //coordinate limits
00207 INT32 max_y, INT32 occupation[], //projection counts
00208 INT32 thresholds[]               //for drop out
00209 ) {
00210   INT32 line_index;              //pixel coord
00211   COLOUR colour;                 //of histogram
00212   float fleft = (float) xleft;   //float version
00214   colour = WHITE;
00215   line_color_index(to_win, colour); 
00216   move2d (to_win, fleft, (float) ybottom);
00217   for (line_index = min_y; line_index <= max_y; line_index++) {
00218     if (occupation[line_index - min_y] < thresholds[line_index - min_y]) {
00219       if (colour != BLUE) {
00220         colour = BLUE;
00221         line_color_index(to_win, colour); 
00222       }
00223     }
00224     else {
00225       if (colour != WHITE) {
00226         colour = WHITE;
00227         line_color_index(to_win, colour); 
00228       }
00229     }
00230     draw2d (to_win, fleft + occupation[line_index - min_y] / 10.0,
00231       (float) line_index);
00232   }
00233   line_color_index(to_win, STEEL_BLUE); 
00234   move2d (to_win, fleft, (float) ybottom);
00235   for (line_index = min_y; line_index <= max_y; line_index++) {
00236     draw2d (to_win, fleft + thresholds[line_index - min_y] / 10.0,
00237       (float) line_index);
00238   }
00239 }
00245 void draw_meanlines(                  //draw a block
00246                     TO_BLOCK *block,  //block to draw
00247                     float gradient,   //gradients of lines
00248                     INT32 left,       //edge of block
00249                     COLOUR colour,    //colour to draw in
00250                     FCOORD rotation   //rotation for line
00251                    ) {
00252   FCOORD plot_pt;                //point to plot
00253                                  //rows
00254   TO_ROW_IT row_it = block->get_rows ();
00255   TO_ROW *row;                   //current row
00256   BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it;           //blobs
00257   float right;                   //end of row
00259   line_color_index(to_win, colour); 
00260   for (row_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !row_it.cycled_list (); row_it.forward ()) {
00261     row = row_it.data ();
00262     blob_it.set_to_list (row->blob_list ());
00263     blob_it.move_to_last ();
00264     right = blob_it.data ()->bounding_box ().right ();
00265     plot_pt =
00266       FCOORD ((float) left,
00267       gradient * left + row->parallel_c () + row->xheight);
00268     plot_pt.rotate (rotation);
00269     move2d (to_win, plot_pt.x (), plot_pt.y ());
00270     plot_pt =
00271       FCOORD ((float) right,
00272       gradient * right + row->parallel_c () + row->xheight);
00273     plot_pt.rotate (rotation);
00274     draw2d (to_win, plot_pt.x (), plot_pt.y ());
00275   }
00276 }
00283 void plot_word_decisions(              //draw words
00284                          WINDOW win,   //window tro draw in
00285                          INT16 pitch,  //of block
00286                          TO_ROW *row   //row to draw
00287                         ) {
00288   COLOUR colour = MAGENTA;       //current colour
00289   COLOUR rect_colour;            //fuzzy colour
00290   INT32 prev_x;                  //end of prev blob
00291   INT16 blob_count;              //blobs in word
00292   BLOBNBOX *blob;                //current blob
00293   BOX blob_box;                  //bounding box
00294                                  //iterator
00295   BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it = row->blob_list ();
00296   BLOBNBOX_IT start_it = blob_it;//word start
00298   interior_style(win, INT_SOLID, FALSE); 
00299   rect_colour = BLACK;
00300   prev_x = -MAX_INT16;
00301   blob_count = 0;
00302   for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list (); blob_it.forward ()) {
00303     blob = blob_it.data ();
00304     blob_box = blob->bounding_box ();
00305     if (!blob->joined_to_prev ()
00306     && blob_box.left () - prev_x > row->max_nonspace) {
00307       if ((blob_box.left () - prev_x >= row->min_space
00308         || blob_box.left () - prev_x > row->space_threshold)
00309       && blob_count > 0) {
00310         if (pitch > 0 && textord_show_fixed_cuts)
00311           plot_fp_cells (win, colour, &start_it, pitch, blob_count,
00312             &row->projection, row->projection_left,
00313             row->projection_right,
00314             row->xheight * textord_projection_scale);
00315         blob_count = 0;
00316         start_it = blob_it;
00317       }
00318       if (colour == MAGENTA)
00319         colour = RED;
00320       else
00321         colour = (COLOUR) (colour + 1);
00322       if (blob_box.left () - prev_x < row->min_space) {
00323         if (blob_box.left () - prev_x > row->space_threshold)
00324           rect_colour = GOLDENROD;
00325         else
00326           rect_colour = CORAL;
00327         fill_color_index(win, rect_colour); 
00328         rectangle (win, (float) prev_x, blob_box.bottom (),
00329           blob_box.left (), blob_box.top ());
00330       }
00331     }
00332     if (!blob->joined_to_prev ())
00333       prev_x = blob_box.right ();
00334     if (blob->blob () != NULL)
00335                                  //draw it
00336       blob->blob ()->plot (win, colour, colour);
00337     if (blob->cblob () != NULL)
00338       blob->cblob ()->plot (win, colour, colour);
00339     if (!blob->joined_to_prev ()
00340       && (blob->blob () != NULL || blob->cblob () != NULL))
00341       blob_count++;
00342   }
00343   if (pitch > 0 && textord_show_fixed_cuts && blob_count > 0)
00344     plot_fp_cells (win, colour, &start_it, pitch, blob_count,
00345       &row->projection, row->projection_left,
00346       row->projection_right,
00347       row->xheight * textord_projection_scale);
00348 }
00354 void plot_fp_cells(                        //draw words
00355                    WINDOW win,             //window tro draw in
00356                    COLOUR colour,          //colour of lines
00357                    BLOBNBOX_IT *blob_it,   //blobs iterator
00358                    INT16 pitch,            //of block
00359                    INT16 blob_count,       //no of real blobs
00360                    STATS *projection,      //vertical
00361                    INT16 projection_left,  //edges //scale factor
00362                    INT16 projection_right,
00363                    float projection_scale) {
00364   INT16 occupation;              //occupied cells
00365   BOX word_box;                  //bounding box
00366   FPSEGPT_LIST seg_list;         //list of cuts
00367   FPSEGPT_IT seg_it;
00368   FPSEGPT *segpt;                //current point
00370   if (pitsync_linear_version)
00371     check_pitch_sync2 (blob_it, blob_count, pitch, 2, projection,
00372       projection_left, projection_right,
00373       projection_scale, occupation, &seg_list, 0, 0);
00374   else
00375     check_pitch_sync (blob_it, blob_count, pitch, 2, projection, &seg_list);
00376   word_box = blob_it->data ()->bounding_box ();
00377   for (; blob_count > 0; blob_count--)
00378     word_box += box_next (blob_it);
00379   seg_it.set_to_list (&seg_list);
00380   for (seg_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !seg_it.cycled_list (); seg_it.forward ()) {
00381     segpt = seg_it.data ();
00382     if (segpt->faked)
00383       line_color_index(win, WHITE); 
00384     else
00385       line_color_index(win, colour); 
00386     move2d (win, segpt->position (), word_box.bottom ());
00387     draw2d (win, segpt->position (), word_box.top ());
00388   }
00389 }
00395 void plot_fp_cells2(                        //draw words
00396                     WINDOW win,             //window tro draw in
00397                     COLOUR colour,          //colour of lines
00398                     TO_ROW *row,            //for location
00399                     FPSEGPT_LIST *seg_list  //segments to plot
00400                    ) {
00401   BOX word_box;                  //bounding box
00402   FPSEGPT_IT seg_it = seg_list;
00403                                  //blobs in row
00404   BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it = row->blob_list ();
00405   FPSEGPT *segpt;                //current point
00407   word_box = blob_it.data ()->bounding_box ();
00408   for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list ();)
00409     word_box += box_next (&blob_it);
00410   for (seg_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !seg_it.cycled_list (); seg_it.forward ()) {
00411     segpt = seg_it.data ();
00412     if (segpt->faked)
00413       line_color_index(win, WHITE); 
00414     else
00415       line_color_index(win, colour); 
00416     move2d (win, segpt->position (), word_box.bottom ());
00417     draw2d (win, segpt->position (), word_box.top ());
00418   }
00419 }
00425 void plot_row_cells(                       //draw words
00426                     WINDOW win,            //window tro draw in
00427                     COLOUR colour,         //colour of lines
00428                     TO_ROW *row,           //for location
00429                     float xshift,          //amount of shift
00430                     ICOORDELT_LIST *cells  //cells to draw
00431                    ) {
00432   BOX word_box;                  //bounding box
00433   ICOORDELT_IT cell_it = cells;
00434                                  //blobs in row
00435   BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it = row->blob_list ();
00436   ICOORDELT *cell;               //current cell
00438   word_box = blob_it.data ()->bounding_box ();
00439   for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list ();)
00440     word_box += box_next (&blob_it);
00441   line_color_index(win, colour); 
00442   for (cell_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !cell_it.cycled_list (); cell_it.forward ()) {
00443     cell = cell_it.data ();
00444     move2d (win, cell->x () + xshift, word_box.bottom ());
00445     draw2d (win, cell->x () + xshift, word_box.top ());
00446   }
00447 }

Generated on Wed Feb 28 19:49:11 2007 for Tesseract by  doxygen 1.5.1