image/imgtiff.h File Reference

#include "host.h"
#include "bitstrm.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


Function Documentation

INT8 open_tif_image ( int  fd,
INT32 xsize,
INT32 ysize,
INT8 bpp,
INT8 photo,
INT32 res 

Read the header of a tif format image and prepare to read the rest.

Definition at line 197 of file imgtiff.cpp.

References __NATIVE__, BADIMAGEFORMAT, ERRCODE::error(), FALSE, INTEL, LOG, MOTO, READFAILED, reverse16(), reverse32(), tprintf(), and TRUE.

00204                      {
00205   INT16 filetype;
00206   INT32 start;                   //start of tiff directory
00207   INT16 entries;                 //no of tiff entries
00208   INT32 imagestart;              //location of image in file
00209   INT32 resoffset;               //location of res
00210   TIFFENTRY tiffentry;           //tag table entry
00211   BOOL8 compressed;              //compression control
00212   MYRATIONAL resinfo;            //resolution
00213   BOOL8 strips = false;          //if in strips
00215   *xsize = -1;                   //illegal values
00216   *ysize = -1;
00217   *bpp = -1;
00218   *res = -1;
00219   resoffset = -1;
00220   if (read (fd, (char *) &filetype, sizeof filetype) != sizeof filetype
00221   || filetype != INTEL && filetype != MOTO) {
00222     BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Filetype");
00223     return -1;
00224   }
00225   lseek (fd, 4L, 0);
00226   if (read (fd, (char *) &start, sizeof start) != sizeof start) {
00227     READFAILED.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Start of tag table");
00228     return -1;
00229   }
00231   if (filetype != __NATIVE__)
00232     start = reverse32 (start);
00233   if (start <= 0) {
00234     BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Start of tag table");
00235     return -1;
00236   }
00237   lseek (fd, start, 0);
00238   if (read (fd, (char *) &entries, sizeof (INT16)) != sizeof (INT16)) {
00239     BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Size of tag table");
00240     return -1;
00241   }
00242   if (filetype != __NATIVE__)
00243     entries = reverse16 (entries);
00244   //      printf("No of tiff directory entries=%d\n",entries);
00245   imagestart = 0;
00246   compressed = FALSE;
00247   for (; entries-- > 0;) {
00248     if (read (fd, (char *) &tiffentry, sizeof tiffentry) !=
00249     sizeof tiffentry) {
00250       BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Tag table entry");
00251       return -1;
00252     }
00253     if (filetype != __NATIVE__) {
00254       tiffentry.type = reverse16 (tiffentry.type);
00255       tiffentry.tag = reverse16 (tiffentry.tag);
00256       tiffentry.length = reverse32 (tiffentry.length);
00257     }
00258     if (tiffentry.type != 3) {   //Full 32bit value
00259       if (filetype != __NATIVE__)
00260         tiffentry.value = reverse32 (tiffentry.value);
00261     }
00262     else {
00263       /* A 16bit value in 4 bytes - handle with care. SEE NOTE at start of file */
00264       if (__NATIVE__ == MOTO) {
00265         if (filetype == MOTO)    //MOTO file on MOTO Machine
00266           tiffentry.value = tiffentry.value >> 16;
00267         else                     //INTEL file on MOTO Machine
00268           tiffentry.value = reverse32 (tiffentry.value);
00269       }
00270       else {                     //INTEL Machine
00271         if (filetype == MOTO)    //MOTO file on INTEL Machine
00272           tiffentry.value = reverse16 ((UINT16) tiffentry.value);
00273         //INTEL file on INTEL Machine NO ACTION NEEDED
00274       }
00275                                  //Clear top 2 MSBytes
00276       tiffentry.value &= 0x0000ffff;
00277     }
00279     //   printf("Tag=%x, Type=%x, Length=%x, value=%x\n",
00280     //     tiffentry.tag,tiffentry.type,tiffentry.length,tiffentry.value);
00281     switch (tiffentry.tag) {
00282       case 0x101:
00283         *ysize = tiffentry.value;
00284         break;
00285       case 0x100:
00286         *xsize = tiffentry.value;
00287         break;
00288       case 0x102:
00289         if (tiffentry.length == 1)
00290           *bpp = (INT8) tiffentry.value;
00291         else
00292           *bpp = 24;
00293         break;
00294       case 0x111:
00295         imagestart = tiffentry.value;
00296         strips = tiffentry.length > 1;
00297         break;
00298       case 0x103:
00299         if (tiffentry.value == 3) {
00300           compressed = TRUE;
00301         }
00302         else if (tiffentry.value != 1) {
00303           BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Compression");
00304           return -1;
00305         }
00306         break;
00307       case 0x11a:
00308       case 0x11b:
00309                                  //resolution
00310         resoffset = tiffentry.value;
00311         break;
00312       case 0x106:
00313         *photo = (INT8) tiffentry.value;
00314         break;
00315     }                            //endswitch
00316   }
00317   if (*xsize <= 0 || *ysize <= 0 || *bpp > 24 || imagestart <= 0) {
00318     BADIMAGEFORMAT.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Vital tag");
00319     return -1;
00320   }
00321   tprintf ("Image has %d bit%c per pixel and size (%d,%d)\n",
00322     *bpp, *bpp == 1 ? ' ' : 's', *xsize, *ysize);
00323   if (resoffset >= 0) {
00324     lseek (fd, resoffset, 0);
00325     if (read (fd, (char *) &resinfo, sizeof (resinfo)) != sizeof (resinfo)) {
00326       READFAILED.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Resolution");
00327       return -1;
00328     }
00329     if (filetype != __NATIVE__) {
00330 = reverse32 (;
00331       resinfo.bottom = reverse32 (resinfo.bottom);
00332     }
00333     *res = / resinfo.bottom;
00334     tprintf ("Resolution=%d\n", *res);
00335   }
00336   lseek (fd, (long) imagestart, 0);
00337   if (strips) {
00338     if (read (fd, (char *) &imagestart, sizeof (imagestart)) !=
00339     sizeof (imagestart)) {
00340       READFAILED.error ("read_tif_image", LOG, "Strip offset");
00341       return -1;
00342     }
00343     if (filetype != __NATIVE__)
00344       imagestart = reverse32 (imagestart);
00345                                  //indirection
00346     lseek (fd, (long) imagestart, 0);
00347   }
00348   return compressed ? -2 : 0;
00349 }

INT32 read_eol ( R_BITSTREAM bits,
UINT16 code 

Take bits out of the stream until and end-of-line code is hit.

Definition at line 436 of file imgtiff.cpp.


Referenced by read_tif_image().

00439                 {
00440   BOOL8 anyones;                 //any 1 bits skipped
00441   INT32 bitcount;                //total bits skipped
00443   anyones = FALSE;
00444   bitcount = 0;
00445   while ((code & EOL_MASK) != EOL_CODE) {
00446     if (code & 1)
00447       anyones = TRUE;            //discarded one bit
00448     bitcount++;                  //total discarded bits
00449     code = bits->read_code (1);  //take single bits
00450   }
00451                                  //extract EOL code
00452   code = bits->read_code (EOL_LENGTH);
00454   if (!anyones)
00455     bitcount = 0;                //ignore filler bits
00456   return bitcount;
00457 }

INT8 read_tif_image ( int  fd,
UINT8 pixels,
INT32  xsize,
INT32  ysize,
INT8  bpp,

Read a whole tif image into memory.

Definition at line 355 of file imgtiff.cpp.

References IMAGE::capture(), IMAGELINE::init(), long_black_codes, long_black_lengths, LONG_CODE_SIZE, long_white_codes, long_white_lengths, R_BITSTREAM::masks(), R_BITSTREAM::open(), IMAGELINE::pixels, IMAGE::put_line(), R_BITSTREAM::read_code(), read_eol(), short_black_codes, short_black_lengths, SHORT_CODE_SIZE, short_white_codes, short_white_lengths, tprintf(), and TRUE.

00362                      {
00363   INT32 xindex;                  //indices in image
00364   INT32 yindex;
00365   INT32 length;                  //short length
00366   INT32 biglength;               //extender
00367   UINT8 *lengths;                //current lengths
00368   UINT16 *codes;                 //current codes
00369   UINT16 codeword;               //current code word
00370   IMAGELINE imageline;           //current line
00371   IMAGE image;                   //dummy image
00372   R_BITSTREAM bits;              //read bitstream
00373   UINT8 colour;                  //current colour
00375   image.capture (pixels, xsize, ysize, bpp);
00376   codeword = (fd);     //open bitstream
00377   read_eol(&bits, codeword);  //find end of line
00378   for (yindex = ysize - 1; yindex >= 0; yindex--) {
00379     imageline.init ();
00380     colour = TRUE;
00381     for (xindex = 0; xindex < xsize;) {
00382       if (colour) {
00383         lengths = long_white_lengths;
00384         codes = long_white_codes;
00385       }
00386       else {
00387         lengths = long_black_lengths;
00388         codes = long_black_codes;
00389       }
00390       for (biglength = 0; biglength < LONG_CODE_SIZE
00391         && (codeword & bits.masks (*lengths))
00392         != *codes; codes++, lengths++, biglength++);
00393       if (biglength < LONG_CODE_SIZE) {
00394         codeword = bits.read_code (*lengths);
00395         biglength++;
00396         biglength *= SHORT_CODE_SIZE;
00397       }
00398       else
00399         biglength = 0;
00400       if (colour) {
00401         lengths = short_white_lengths;
00402         codes = short_white_codes;
00403       }
00404       else {
00405         lengths = short_black_lengths;
00406         codes = short_black_codes;
00407       }
00408       for (length = 0; length < SHORT_CODE_SIZE
00409         && (codeword & bits.masks (*lengths))
00410         != *codes; codes++, lengths++, length++);
00411       if (length < SHORT_CODE_SIZE) {
00412         codeword = bits.read_code (*lengths);
00413         for (length += biglength; length > 0; length--, xindex++)
00414           imageline.pixels[xindex] = colour;
00415         colour = !colour;
00416       }
00417       else
00418         break;
00419     }
00420     if (xindex < xsize) {
00421       tprintf ("%d pixels short on line %d", xsize - xindex, yindex);
00422       tprintf (", unknown code=%x\n", codeword);
00423     }
00424     xindex = read_eol (&bits, codeword);
00425     if (xindex > 0)
00426       tprintf ("Discarding %d bits on line %d\n", xindex, yindex);
00427     image.put_line (0, yindex, xsize, &imageline, 0);
00428   }
00429   return 0;
00430 }

INT8 write_intel_tif ( int  fd,
UINT8 pixels,
INT32  xsize,
INT32  ysize,
INT8  bpp,
INT8  photo,
INT32  res 

Write a whole tif format image and close the file.

Definition at line 480 of file imgtiff.cpp.

References INTEL, and write_tif_image().

00488                       {
00489   return write_tif_image (fd, pixels, xsize, ysize, bpp, res, INTEL, photo);
00490   //use intel format
00491 }

INT8 write_inverse_tif ( int  fd,
UINT8 pixels,
INT32  xsize,
INT32  ysize,
INT8  bpp,
INT8  photo,
INT32  res 

Write a whole tif format image and close the file.

Definition at line 497 of file imgtiff.cpp.

References INTEL, and write_tif_image().

00505                         {
00506   return write_tif_image (fd, pixels, xsize, ysize, bpp, res, INTEL,
00507     1 - photo);
00508   //use intel format
00509 }

INT8 write_moto_tif ( int  fd,
UINT8 pixels,
INT32  xsize,
INT32  ysize,
INT8  bpp,
INT8  photo,
INT32  res 

Write a whole tif format image and close the file.

Definition at line 463 of file imgtiff.cpp.

References MOTO, and write_tif_image().

00471                      {
00472   return write_tif_image (fd, pixels, xsize, ysize, bpp, res, MOTO, photo);
00473   //use moto format
00474 }

INT8 write_tif_image ( int  fd,
UINT8 pixels,
INT32  xsize,
INT32  ysize,
INT8  bpp,
INT32  res,
INT16  type,
INT16  photo 

Write a whole tif format image and close the file.

Definition at line 515 of file imgtiff.cpp.

References __NATIVE__, COMPUTE_IMAGE_XDIM, ENTRIES, ERRCODE::error(), INTEL, TIFFENTRY::length, LOG, MOTO, resolution, reverse16(), reverse32(), START, TIFFENTRY::tag, TIFFENTRY::type, TIFFENTRY::value, and WRITEFAILED.

Referenced by write_intel_tif(), write_inverse_tif(), and write_moto_tif().

00524                       {
00525   INT32 size;                    //line/image size
00526   INT16 entries;                 //no of tiff entries
00527   INT32 start;                   //start of tag table
00528   INT32 zero = 0;
00529   MYRATIONAL resolution;         //resolution
00530   TIFFENTRY entry;               //current entry
00532   static TIFFENTRY tags[ENTRIES] = {
00533     {0xfe, 4, 1, 0},
00534     {0x100, 3, 1, 0},
00535     {0x101, 3, 1, 0},
00536     {0x102, 3, 1, 0},
00537     {0x103, 3, 1, 1},
00538     {0x106, 3, 1, 1},
00539     {                            /*line art */
00540       0x107, 3, 1, 1
00541     },
00542     {0x10a, 3, 1, 1},
00543     {
00544       0x111, 4, 1, START + ENTRIES * sizeof (TIFFENTRY)
00545       + sizeof (INT32) + sizeof (short) + sizeof (MYRATIONAL) * 2
00546     }
00547     ,
00548     {0x112, 3, 1, 1}
00549     ,
00550     {0x115, 3, 1, 1}
00551     ,
00552     {0x116, 4, 1, 0}
00553     ,
00554     {0x117, 4, 1, 0}
00555     ,
00556     {0x118, 3, 1, 0}
00557     ,
00558     {0x119, 3, 1, 1}
00559     ,
00560     {
00561       0x11a, 5, 1, START + ENTRIES * sizeof (TIFFENTRY)
00562       + sizeof (INT32) + sizeof (short)
00563     },
00564     {
00565       0x11b, 5, 1, START + ENTRIES * sizeof (TIFFENTRY)
00566       + sizeof (INT32) + sizeof (short) + sizeof (MYRATIONAL)
00567     }
00568     ,
00569     {0x11c, 3, 1, 1}
00570     ,
00571     {0x128, 3, 1, 2}
00572   };
00574 = res;
00575   resolution.bottom = 1;
00576   if (write (fd, (char *) &type, sizeof type) != sizeof type
00577   || type != INTEL && type != MOTO) {
00578     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Filetype");
00579     return -1;
00580   }
00581   start = START;
00582   entries = 0x002a;
00583   if (type != __NATIVE__)
00584     entries = reverse16 (entries);
00585   if (write (fd, (char *) &entries, sizeof entries) != sizeof entries) {
00586     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Version");
00587     return -1;
00588   }
00589   if (type != __NATIVE__)
00590     start = reverse32 (start);
00591   if (write (fd, (char *) &start, sizeof start) != sizeof start) {
00592     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Start");
00593     return -1;
00594   }
00595   lseek (fd, (long) START, 0);
00596   entries = ENTRIES;
00597   if (type != __NATIVE__)
00598     entries = reverse16 (entries);
00599   if (write (fd, (char *) &entries, sizeof entries) != sizeof entries) {
00600     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Entries");
00601     return -1;
00602   }
00603                                  //line length
00604   size = COMPUTE_IMAGE_XDIM (xsize, bpp);
00605   size *= ysize;                 //total image size
00606   //      if (photo==0)
00607   //      {
00608   //              tags[0].tag=0xfe;
00609   //              tags[0].type=4;
00610   //              tags[0].value=0;
00611   //      }
00612   //      else
00613   //      {
00614   //              tags[0].tag=0xff;
00615   //              tags[0].type=3;
00616   //              tags[0].value=1;
00617   //      }
00618   tags[1].value = xsize;
00619   tags[2].value = ysize;
00620   if (bpp == 24) {
00621     tags[3].value = 8;
00622     tags[10].value = 3;
00623     tags[5].value = 2;
00624   }
00625   else {
00626     tags[3].value = bpp;
00627     tags[5].value = photo;
00628   }
00629   tags[11].value = ysize;
00630   tags[14].value = (1 << bpp) - 1;
00631   tags[12].value = size;
00632   for (entries = 0; entries < ENTRIES; entries++) {
00633     entry = tags[entries];       //get an entry
00634     /* NB Convert entry.value BEFORE converting entry.type!!! */
00635     if (entry.type != 3) {       //Full 32bit value
00636       if (type != __NATIVE__)
00637         entry.value = reverse32 (entry.value);
00638     }
00639     else {
00640       /* A 16bit value in 4 bytes - handle with care.
00641         SEE NOTE at start of file */
00642       entry.value &= 0x0000ffff; //Ensure top 2 MSBytes clear
00643       if (__NATIVE__ == MOTO) {
00644         if (type == MOTO)        //MOTO file on MOTO Machine
00645           entry.value = entry.value << 16;
00646         else                     //INTEL file on MOTO Machine
00647           entry.value = reverse32 (entry.value);
00648       }
00649       else {                     //INTEL Machine
00650         if (type == MOTO)        //MOTO file on INTEL Machine
00651           entry.value = reverse16 ((UINT16) entry.value);
00652         //INTEL file on INTEL Machine NO ACTION NEEDED
00653       }
00654     }
00655     if (type != __NATIVE__) {
00656       entry.tag = reverse16 (entry.tag);
00657       entry.type = reverse16 (entry.type);
00658       entry.length = reverse32 (entry.length);
00659     }
00660     if (write (fd, (char *) &entry, sizeof (TIFFENTRY)) !=
00661     sizeof (TIFFENTRY)) {
00662       WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Tag Table");
00663       return -1;
00664     }
00665   }
00666   if (write (fd, (char *) &zero, sizeof zero) != sizeof zero) {
00667     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Tag table Terminator");
00668     return -1;
00669   }
00670   if (type != __NATIVE__) {
00671 = reverse32 (;
00672     resolution.bottom = reverse32 (resolution.bottom);
00673   }
00674   if (write (fd, (char *) &resolution, sizeof resolution) != sizeof resolution
00675     || write (fd, (char *) &resolution,
00676   sizeof resolution) != sizeof resolution) {
00677     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Resolution");
00678     return -1;
00679   }
00680   if (write (fd, (char *) pixels, (size_t) size) != size) {
00681     WRITEFAILED.error ("write_tif_image", LOG, "Image");
00682     return -1;
00683   }
00684   close(fd); 
00685   return 0;
00686 }

Generated on Wed Feb 28 19:49:24 2007 for Tesseract by  doxygen 1.5.1