ccutil/ocrshell.cpp File Reference

#include "mfcpch.h"
#include "ocrshell.h"
#include "tprintf.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

Go to the source code of this file.





Define Documentation

#define EXTERN

File: ocrshell.cpp
Code for the OCR side of the OCR API. The code is designed to be used with either an ANSI C or C++ compiler. The structures are designed to allow them to be used with any structure alignment up to 8.
Hewlett-Packard Co
 * (C) Copyright 1996, Hewlett-Packard Co.
 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ** limitations under the License.

Definition at line 28 of file ocrshell.cpp.

#define TICKS   1

Definition at line 32 of file ocrshell.cpp.

Referenced by release_ocr(), and wait_for_hp().

Enumeration Type Documentation


State of the OCR engine.


Definition at line 63 of file ocrshell.cpp.

00063              {
00064   OCS_UNINIT,                    /*uninitialized */
00065   OCS_SETUP_SHM,                 /*shm setup done */
00066   OCS_SETUP_INFO,                /*startinfo sent */
00067   OCS_READING_STRIPS,            /*read first but more to come */
00068   OCS_READ_STRIPS,               /*read all but no monitor yet */
00069   OCS_RECOGNIZING,               /*OCR incomplete */
00070   OCS_SENDING_TEXT,              /*sent buffer but more to come */
00071   OCS_DEAD                       /*disconnected */
00072 } OCR_STATE;

Function Documentation

INT16 ocr_append_char ( UINT16  char_code,
INT16  left,
INT16  right,
INT16  top,
INT16  bottom,
INT16  font_index,
UINT8  confidence,
UINT8  point_size,
INT8  blanks,
UINT8  enhancement,

Add a character to the output (shm).

char_code character itself
left of char (-1)
right of char (-1)
top of char (-1)
bottom of char (-1)
font_index what font (-1)
confidence 0=perfect, 100=reject (0/100)
point_size of char, 72=i inch, (10)
blanks no of spaces before this char (1)
enhancement char enhancement (0)
text_dir rendering direction (OCR_CDIR_RIGHT_LEFT)
line_dir line rendering direction (OCR_LDIR_DOWN_RIGHT)
nl_type type of newline (if any) (OCR_NL_NONE)
Returns OKAY if successful, OCR_API_NO_MEM if there was insufficient room in the buffer.

Definition at line 510 of file ocrshell.cpp.


Referenced by ocr_send_text(), and write_shm_text().

00524                        {
00525   ETEXT_DESC *buf;               /*text buffer */
00526   int index;                     /*char index */
00527   INT16 result;                  /*of callback */
00529   if (ocr_state != OCS_RECOGNIZING && ocr_state != OCS_SENDING_TEXT) {
00530     ocr_error(OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE); 
00531     return OCR_API_BAD_STATE;    /*incorrect state */
00532   }
00534   if (char_code == ' ' || char_code == '\n' || char_code == '\r'
00535     || char_code == '\t')
00536     return OCR_API_BAD_CHAR;     /*illegal char */
00538                                  /*progress info */
00539   buf = (ETEXT_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00541   result =
00542     (shm.shm_size - sizeof (ETEXT_DESC)) / sizeof (EANYCODE_CHAR) -
00543     buf->count;
00544   if (result < 1)
00545     return OCR_API_NO_MEM;       /*insufficient room */
00547   index = buf->count++;          /*count of chars */
00548                                  /*setup structure */
00549   buf->text[index].char_code = char_code;
00550   buf->text[index].left = left;  /*setup structure */
00551   buf->text[index].right = right;/*setup structure */
00552   buf->text[index].top = top;    /*setup structure */
00553                                  /*setup structure */
00554   buf->text[index].bottom = bottom;
00555                                  /*setup structure */
00556   buf->text[index].font_index = font_index;
00557                                  /*setup structure */
00558   buf->text[index].confidence = confidence;
00559                                  /*setup structure */
00560   buf->text[index].point_size = point_size;
00561                                  /*setup structure */
00562   buf->text[index].blanks = blanks;
00563   if (nl_type == OCR_NL_NONE) {
00564     if (text_dir == OCR_CDIR_TOP_BOTTOM || text_dir == OCR_CDIR_BOTTOM_TOP)
00565       buf->text[index].formatting = (text_dir << 5) | 128;
00566     /*setup structure */
00567     else
00568                                  /*setup structure */
00569       buf->text[index].formatting = text_dir << 5;
00570   }
00571   else {
00572     buf->text[index].formatting = (nl_type << 6) | (line_dir << 5);
00573     /*setup structure */
00574   }
00575   buf->text[index].formatting |= enhancement & (~EUC_FORMAT_MASK);
00576   return OKAY;
00577 }

INT16 ocr_append_fontinfo ( UINT16  language,
UINT8  font_family,
UINT8  char_set,
UINT8  pitch,
const char *  name 

Put font info into shm.

Initialize one of the font descriptors.

Definition at line 230 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References EFONT_DESC::char_set, font_count, EFONT_DESC::font_family, EOCR_DESC::fonts, EFONT_DESC::language, MAX_FONT_NAME, EFONT_DESC::name, NULL, OCR_API_BAD_STATE, OCR_API_NO_MEM, OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE, ocr_error(), ocr_state, OCS_SETUP_SHM, OKAY, EFONT_DESC::pitch, shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, and ESHM_INFO::shm_size.

00236                            {
00237   EOCR_DESC *desc;               /*ocr engine info */
00238   int index;                     /*char index */
00239   INT32 font_index;              /*which font */
00241   if (ocr_state != OCS_SETUP_SHM) {
00242     ocr_error(OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE); 
00243     return OCR_API_BAD_STATE;    /*incorrect state */
00244   }
00246                                  /*turn to right type */
00247   desc = (EOCR_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00248   if (font_count >
00249     (INT32) ((shm.shm_size - sizeof (EOCR_DESC)) / sizeof (EFONT_DESC)))
00250     return OCR_API_NO_MEM;       /*insufficient space */
00251   font_index = font_count++;     /*add a font */
00252                                  /*setup structure */
00253   desc->fonts[font_index].language = language;
00254                                  /*setup structure */
00255   desc->fonts[font_index].font_family = font_family;
00256                                  /*setup structure */
00257   desc->fonts[font_index].char_set = char_set;
00258                                  /*setup structure */
00259   desc->fonts[font_index].pitch = pitch;
00260   if (name != NULL) {
00261     for (index = 0; index < MAX_FONT_NAME && name[index] != 0; index++)
00262       desc->fonts[font_index].name[index] = name[index];
00263   }
00264   else
00265     index = 0;
00266   desc->fonts[font_index].name[index] = 0;
00267   return OKAY;
00268 }

INT32 ocr_char_space (  ) 

Put char into shm.

Return the number of chars that can be fitted into the buffer.

Definition at line 471 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References ETEXT_DESC::count, shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, and ESHM_INFO::shm_size.

Referenced by write_shm_text().

00471                        {  /*put char into shm */
00472   ETEXT_DESC *buf;               /*text buffer */
00473   int result;
00475                                  /*progress info */
00476   buf = (ETEXT_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00477   result =
00478     (shm.shm_size - sizeof (ETEXT_DESC)) / sizeof (EANYCODE_CHAR) -
00479     buf->count + 1;
00481   //      while (buf->hp_alive==-1)
00482   //              Sleep(50);                                                                              /*wait for HP*/
00484   return result;
00485 }

void ocr_error ( OCR_ERR_CODE  code  ) 

Send an error code.

Inform the HP side of an error. The OCR engine should do any cleanup of its own and exit aferwards. Uses the current state to determine how to send it and cleanup.

Definition at line 179 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References FALSE, font_count, LANGE_NONE, NULL, ocr_get_first_image_strip(), ocr_internal_shutdown(), ocr_setup_startinfo_ansi(), ocr_state, OCS_DEAD, OCS_READ_STRIPS, OCS_READING_STRIPS, OCS_RECOGNIZING, OCS_SENDING_TEXT, OCS_SETUP_INFO, OCS_SETUP_SHM, OCS_UNINIT, release_mutex(), release_ocr(), shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, TRUE, and ESTRIP_DESC::x_size.

Referenced by ocr_append_char(), ocr_append_fontinfo(), ocr_get_first_image_strip(), ocr_get_next_image_strip(), ocr_open_shm(), ocr_send_text(), ocr_setup_startinfo(), ocr_setup_startinfo_ansi(), and ocr_shutdown().

00181                 {
00182   ESTRIP_DESC *strip = (ESTRIP_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00183   /*strip info */
00184   ETEXT_DESC *monitor = (ETEXT_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00185   /*progress monitor */
00187   switch (ocr_state) {
00188     case OCS_UNINIT:             /*uninitialized */
00189     case OCS_DEAD:               /*uninitialized */
00190       return;                    /*can't do anything else */
00191     case OCS_SETUP_SHM:          /*shm setup done */
00192       if (font_count < 1)
00193         font_count = 1;
00194       ocr_setup_startinfo_ansi (-code, LANGE_NONE, "", "");
00195       /*report error */
00196       break;
00197     case OCS_SETUP_INFO:         /*startinfo sent */
00198       if (ocr_get_first_image_strip () == NULL)
00199         break;                   /*disconnected */
00200     case OCS_READING_STRIPS:     /*read first but more to come */
00201       strip->x_size = -code;     /*report error */
00202       release_ocr();  /*send ack */
00203       release_mutex(); 
00204       break;
00205     case OCS_READ_STRIPS:        /*read all but no monitor yet */
00206       monitor->count = 0;        /*chars in this buffer(-1) */
00207       monitor->progress = 0;     /*percent complete increasing (0-100) */
00208                                  /*text not complete */
00209       monitor->more_to_come = FALSE;
00210       monitor->ocr_alive = TRUE; /*ocr sets to 1, hp 0 */
00211       monitor->err_code = -code; /*report error */
00212       monitor->cancel = FALSE;   /*0=continue, 1=cancel */
00213       release_ocr();  /*send ack */
00214       break;
00215     case OCS_RECOGNIZING:        /*OCR incomplete */
00216     case OCS_SENDING_TEXT:       /*sent buffer but more to come */
00217       monitor->err_code = -code; /*report error */
00218       release_ocr();  /*send ack */
00219   }
00220   ocr_internal_shutdown();  /*get ready for exit */
00221 }

ESTRIP_DESC* ocr_get_first_image_strip (  ) 

Get first image strip.

Wait for the master to send the first image strip and return a pointer to it. The result is NULL if it is time to exit.

Definition at line 361 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References lines_read, NULL, OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE, ocr_error(), ocr_state, OCS_READ_STRIPS, OCS_READING_STRIPS, OCS_SETUP_INFO, OKAY, READIM_TIMEOUT, release_mutex(), shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, ESTRIP_DESC::strip_size, tprintf(), wait_for_hp(), wait_for_mutex(), ESTRIP_DESC::x_size, and ESTRIP_DESC::y_size.

Referenced by ocr_error().

00361                                          {  /*get image strip */
00362   ESTRIP_DESC *strip;            /*strip info */
00363   INT16 result;                  /*of wait/release */
00365   if (ocr_state != OCS_SETUP_INFO) {
00366     tprintf ("Bad state reading strip");
00367     ocr_error(OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE); 
00368     return NULL;                 /*incorrect state */
00369   }
00371                                  /*strip info */
00372   strip = (ESTRIP_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00373   lines_read = 0;
00375   result = wait_for_mutex ();
00376   if (result != OKAY) {
00377     tprintf ("Mutax wait failed reading strip");
00378     return NULL;                 /*HP dead */
00379   }
00380   result = release_mutex ();
00381   if (result != OKAY) {
00382     tprintf ("Mutax release failed reading strip");
00383     return NULL;                 /*HP dead */
00384   }
00385   result = wait_for_hp (READIM_TIMEOUT);
00386   if (result != OKAY) {
00387     tprintf ("Wait for HP failed reading strip");
00388     return NULL;                 /*HP dead */
00389   }
00390   lines_read = strip->strip_size;/*lines read so far */
00391   if (lines_read < strip->y_size)
00392                                  /*record state */
00393       ocr_state = OCS_READING_STRIPS;
00394   else
00395     ocr_state = OCS_READ_STRIPS;
00396   if (strip->x_size == 0 || strip->y_size == 0)
00397     return NULL;                 /*end of job */
00399   return strip;
00400 }

ESTRIP_DESC* ocr_get_next_image_strip (  ) 

Get next image strip.

Wait for the master to send the next image strip and return a pointer to it. The result is NULL if it is time to exit.

Definition at line 410 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References lines_read, NULL, OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE, ocr_error(), ocr_state, OCS_READ_STRIPS, OCS_READING_STRIPS, OKAY, READIM_TIMEOUT, release_ocr(), shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, ESTRIP_DESC::strip_size, and wait_for_hp().

00410                                         {  /*get image strip */
00411   ESTRIP_DESC *strip;            /*strip info */
00412   INT16 result;                  /*of wait/release */
00414   if (ocr_state != OCS_READING_STRIPS) {
00415     ocr_error(OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE); 
00416     return NULL;                 /*incorrect state */
00417   }
00419                                  /*strip info */
00420   strip = (ESTRIP_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00421   result = release_ocr ();
00422   if (result != OKAY)
00423     return NULL;                 /*HP dead */
00424   result = wait_for_hp (READIM_TIMEOUT);
00425   if (result != OKAY)
00426     return NULL;                 /*HP dead */
00427                                  /*lines read so far */
00428   lines_read += strip->strip_size;
00429   if (lines_read < strip->y_size)
00430                                  /*record state */
00431       ocr_state = OCS_READING_STRIPS;
00432   else
00433     ocr_state = OCS_READ_STRIPS;
00435   return strip;
00436 }

INT16 ocr_internal_shutdown (  ) 

Close-down OCR.

Free up handles or whatever to clean up without attempting to communicate.

Definition at line 665 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References NULL, ocr_state, OCS_DEAD, OKAY, shm, and ESHM_INFO::shm_mem.

Referenced by ocr_error(), release_mutex(), release_ocr(), wait_for_hp(), and wait_for_mutex().

00665                               {  /*closedown */
00666   ocr_state = OCS_DEAD;          /*record state */
00667   #ifdef __MSW32__
00668   if (shm.shm_mem != NULL) {
00669     UnmapViewOfFile (shm.shm_mem);
00670     CloseHandle (shm.shm_hand);  /*no longer used */
00671     CloseHandle (shm.mutex);     /*release handles */
00672     CloseHandle (shm.ocr_sem);
00673     CloseHandle (shm.hp_sem);
00674     shm.shm_mem = NULL;
00675   }
00676   #elif defined (__MAC__)
00677   shm.OCRProcess.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
00678   shm.OCRProcess.highLongOfPSN = 0;
00679   #endif
00680   return OKAY;
00681 }

INT16 ocr_open_shm ( const char *  shm_h,
const char *  shm_size,
const char *  mutex_h,
const char *  ocr_h,
const char *  hp_h,
const char *  lang_str,
UINT16 lang 

Attempt to connect to the shared memory segment and semaphores used talking to the OCR engine.

shm_h handle of shm
shm_size size of shm segment
mutex_h hp mutex
ocr_h ocr semaphore
hp_h hp semaphore
lang_str language
lang language (Mac only)
Attempt to connect to the shared memory segment and semaphores used in talking to the OCR engine. Called from OCR engine. The parameters are the command line arguments in order.

Definition at line 120 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References FALSE, font_count, HPERR, NULL, OCR_API_BAD_STATE, OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE, ocr_error(), ocr_state, OCS_SETUP_SHM, OCS_UNINIT, OKAY, shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, and ESHM_INFO::shm_size.

00130 {
00131   font_count = 0;                /*no fonts yet */
00132   #ifdef __MAC__
00133   if (shm.OCRProcess.lowLongOfPSN && shm.OCRProcess.highLongOfPSN)
00134     return HPERR;
00135   *lang = shm.language;
00136   GetCurrentProcess (&shm.OCRProcess);
00137   if (WakeUpProcess (&shm.IPEProcess))
00138     ExitToShell(); 
00139   AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication,
00140     (AEEventHandlerUPP) TerminateOCR, 0, FALSE);
00141   #else
00142   if (lang != NULL)
00143                                  /*get language */
00144     *lang = (UINT16) strtol (lang_str, NULL, 10);
00145   #endif // __MAC__
00146   if (ocr_state != OCS_UNINIT) {
00147     ocr_error(OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE); 
00148     return OCR_API_BAD_STATE;    /*incorrect state */
00149   }
00150   #ifdef __MSW32__
00151   shm.shm_size = strtol (shm_size, NULL, 10);
00152                                  /*convert to handle */
00153   shm.shm_hand = (HANDLE) strtol (shm_h, NULL, 10);
00154   shm.shm_mem = MapViewOfFile (shm.shm_hand, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0);
00155   if (shm.shm_mem == NULL)
00156     return HPERR;                /*failed */
00157                                  /*convert to handle */
00158   shm.mutex = (HANDLE) strtol (mutex_h, NULL, 10);
00159                                  /*convert to handle */
00160   shm.ocr_sem = (HANDLE) strtol (ocr_h, NULL, 10);
00161                                  /*convert to handle */
00162   shm.hp_sem = (HANDLE) strtol (hp_h, NULL, 10);
00163   #endif //__MSW32__
00165   ocr_state = OCS_SETUP_SHM;     /*record state */
00166   return OKAY;
00168 }

INT16 ocr_send_text ( BOOL8  more_to_come  ) 

Send shm.

Send the text to the host and wait for the ACK. Use this function after a sequence of ocr_append_char calls to actually sent the text to the master process. Set more to come TRUE if there is more text in this page, FALSE if the OCR engine is now ready to receive another image.

Definition at line 590 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References ETEXT_DESC::count, EANYCODE_CHAR::formatting, HPERR, ETEXT_DESC::more_to_come, OCR_API_BAD_STATE, ocr_append_char(), OCR_CDIR_RIGHT_LEFT, OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE, ocr_error(), OCR_LDIR_DOWN_RIGHT, OCR_NL_NEWLINE, OCR_NL_NEWPARA, ocr_state, OCS_RECOGNIZING, OCS_SENDING_TEXT, OCS_SETUP_INFO, OKAY, READTEXT_TIMEOUT, release_ocr(), shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, ETEXT_DESC::text, and wait_for_hp().

Referenced by output_pass(), and write_shm_text().

00592                      {
00593   ETEXT_DESC *buf;               /*text buffer */
00595   if (ocr_state != OCS_RECOGNIZING && ocr_state != OCS_SENDING_TEXT) {
00596     ocr_error(OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE); 
00597     return OCR_API_BAD_STATE;    /*incorrect state */
00598   }
00600                                  /*progress info */
00601   buf = (ETEXT_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00603                                  /*setup structure */
00604   buf->more_to_come = more_to_come;
00605   if (more_to_come) {
00606     if ((buf->text[buf->count - 1].formatting >> 6) != OCR_NL_NEWLINE
00607     && (buf->text[buf->count - 1].formatting >> 6) != OCR_NL_NEWPARA) {
00608                                  /*force line end */
00609       buf->text[buf->count - 1].formatting &= 63;
00610       buf->text[buf->count - 1].formatting |= OCR_NL_NEWLINE << 6;
00611     }
00612   }
00613   else {
00614     if (buf->count < 1)
00615       ocr_append_char ('~', -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 100, 10, 0,
00617         OCR_NL_NEWPARA);
00618     /*dummy character */
00619     else if ((buf->text[buf->count - 1].formatting >> 6) != OCR_NL_NEWPARA) {
00620                                  /*force para end */
00621       buf->text[buf->count - 1].formatting &= 63;
00622       buf->text[buf->count - 1].formatting |= OCR_NL_NEWPARA << 6;
00623     }
00624   }
00626   if (release_ocr () != OKAY)
00627     return HPERR;                /*release failed */
00628   if (wait_for_hp (READTEXT_TIMEOUT) != OKAY)
00629     return HPERR;
00630   if (more_to_come) {
00631     buf->count = 0;              /*setup structure */
00632     ocr_state = OCS_SENDING_TEXT;/*record state */
00633   }
00634   else
00635     ocr_state = OCS_SETUP_INFO;  /*record state */
00636   return OKAY;
00637 }

ETEXT_DESC* ocr_setup_monitor (  ) 

Setup the progress monitor.

Call before starting the recognize task.

Definition at line 445 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References ETEXT_DESC::cancel, ETEXT_DESC::count, ETEXT_DESC::err_code, FALSE, ETEXT_DESC::more_to_come, NULL, ETEXT_DESC::ocr_alive, ocr_state, OCS_RECOGNIZING, OKAY, ETEXT_DESC::progress, release_ocr(), shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, and TRUE.

00445                                 {  /*setup monitor */
00446   ETEXT_DESC *monitor;           /*progress monitor */
00448                                  /*text info */
00449   monitor = (ETEXT_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00450   monitor->count = 0;            /*chars in this buffer(-1) */
00451   monitor->progress = 0;         /*percent complete increasing (0-100) */
00452   monitor->more_to_come = TRUE;  /*text not complete */
00453   monitor->ocr_alive = TRUE;     /*ocr sets to 1, hp 0 */
00454   monitor->err_code = 0;         /*used by ocr_error */
00455   monitor->cancel = FALSE;       /*0=continue, 1=cancel */
00457   if (release_ocr () != OKAY)
00458     return NULL;                 /*release failed */
00460   ocr_state = OCS_RECOGNIZING;   /*record state */
00461   return monitor;
00462 }

INT16 ocr_setup_startinfo ( INT32  protocol,
UINT16  language,
const UINT16 name,
const UINT16 version 

put start info into shm

Setup the info on the OCR engine. Uses 16 bit chars to name the engine.

Definition at line 278 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References EOCR_DESC::font_count, font_count, EOCR_DESC::language, MAX_OCR_NAME, MAX_OCR_VERSION, EOCR_DESC::name, OCR_API_BAD_STATE, OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE, ocr_error(), ocr_state, OCS_SETUP_INFO, OCS_SETUP_SHM, OKAY, EOCR_DESC::protocol, release_ocr(), shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, and EOCR_DESC::version.

00283                            {
00284   EOCR_DESC *desc;               /*ocr engine info */
00285   int index;                     /*char index */
00286   INT16 result;                  /*from open */
00288   if (ocr_state != OCS_SETUP_SHM || font_count < 1) {
00289     ocr_error(OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE); 
00290     return OCR_API_BAD_STATE;    /*incorrect state */
00291   }
00293                                  /*turn to right type */
00294   desc = (EOCR_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00295   desc->protocol = protocol;     /*setup structure */
00296   desc->font_count = font_count;
00297   desc->language = language;
00298   for (index = 0; index < MAX_OCR_NAME && name[index] != 0; index++)
00299     desc->name[index] = name[index];
00300   desc->name[index] = 0;
00301   for (index = 0; index < MAX_OCR_VERSION && version[index] != 0; index++)
00302     desc->version[index] = version[index];
00303   desc->version[index] = 0;
00305   result = release_ocr ();
00306   if (result != OKAY)
00307     return result;
00308   ocr_state = OCS_SETUP_INFO;    /*record state */
00309   return OKAY;
00310 }

INT16 ocr_setup_startinfo_ansi ( UINT32  protocol,
UINT16  language,
const char *  name,
const char *  version 

Setup the info on the OCR engine.

Uses 8 bit chars to name the engine.

Definition at line 319 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References font_count, EOCR_DESC::font_count, EOCR_DESC::language, MAX_OCR_NAME, MAX_OCR_VERSION, EOCR_DESC::name, OCR_API_BAD_STATE, OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE, ocr_error(), ocr_state, OCS_SETUP_INFO, OCS_SETUP_SHM, OKAY, EOCR_DESC::protocol, release_ocr(), shm, ESHM_INFO::shm_mem, and EOCR_DESC::version.

Referenced by ocr_error().

00324                                 {
00325   EOCR_DESC *desc;               /*ocr engine info */
00326   int index;                     /*char index */
00327   INT16 result;                  /*from open */
00329   if (ocr_state != OCS_SETUP_SHM || font_count < 1) {
00330     ocr_error(OCR_ERR_BAD_STATE); 
00331     return OCR_API_BAD_STATE;    /*incorrect state */
00332   }
00334                                  /*turn to right type */
00335   desc = (EOCR_DESC *) shm.shm_mem;
00336   desc->protocol = protocol;     /*setup structure */
00337   desc->font_count = font_count;
00338   desc->language = language;
00339   for (index = 0; index < MAX_OCR_NAME && name[index] != 0; index++)
00340     desc->name[index] = name[index];
00341   desc->name[index] = 0;
00342   for (index = 0; index < MAX_OCR_VERSION && version[index] != 0; index++)
00343     desc->version[index] = version[index];
00344   desc->version[index] = 0;
00346   result = release_ocr ();
00347   if (result != OKAY)
00348     return result;
00349   ocr_state = OCS_SETUP_INFO;    /*record state */
00350   return OKAY;
00351 }

INT16 ocr_shutdown (  ) 

Close-down OCR.

Closedown communications with the HP side and free up handles.

Definition at line 647 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References OCR_ERR_CLEAN_EXIT, ocr_error(), OKAY, and shm.

00647                      {  /*closedown */
00648   #ifdef __MAC__
00649   shm.OCRProcess.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
00650   shm.OCRProcess.highLongOfPSN = 0;
00651   #endif
00652   ocr_error(OCR_ERR_CLEAN_EXIT);  /*signal exit */
00654   return OKAY;
00655 }

INT16 release_mutex (  ) 

Release the HP mutex.

The return value is OKAY if the call succeeds.

Definition at line 734 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References HPERR, ocr_internal_shutdown(), OKAY, and shm.

Referenced by ocr_error(), and ocr_get_first_image_strip().

00734                       {  /*release mutex */
00735   INT16 result = HPERR;          /*return code */
00736   #ifdef __MSW32__
00737                                  /*release it */
00738   result = ReleaseMutex (shm.mutex) ? OKAY : HPERR;
00739   #elif defined (__MAC__)
00740                                  /*release it */
00741   result = ReleaseSemaphore (shm.mutex) ? OKAY : HPERR;
00742   #endif
00743   if (result != OKAY)
00744     ocr_internal_shutdown(); 
00745   return result;
00746 }

INT16 release_ocr (  ) 

Release the OCR semaphore.

The return value is OKAY if the call succeeds.

Definition at line 755 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References FALSE, HPERR, NULL, ocr_internal_shutdown(), OKAY, RELEASE_TIMEOUT, shm, and TICKS.

Referenced by ocr_error(), ocr_get_next_image_strip(), ocr_send_text(), ocr_setup_monitor(), ocr_setup_startinfo(), and ocr_setup_startinfo_ansi().

00755                     {
00756   INT32 timeout;                 //time allowed
00758   timeout = RELEASE_TIMEOUT * TICKS;
00759   #ifdef __MSW32__
00760   BOOL result = 0;               //of release
00761   do {
00762                                  //release it
00763     result = ReleaseSemaphore (shm.ocr_sem, 1, NULL);
00764     if (result == FALSE) {
00765       timeout -= 50;
00766       Sleep (50);
00767     }
00768   }
00769   while (result == FALSE && timeout > 0);
00770   if (!result)
00771     ocr_internal_shutdown(); 
00772   return OKAY;
00773   #elif defined (__MAC__)
00774   INT16 result = HPERR;          /*return code */
00775                                  /*release it */
00776   result = ReleaseSemaphore (shm.ocr_sem) ? OKAY : HPERR;
00778   if (result != OKAY)
00779     ocr_internal_shutdown(); 
00780   return result;
00781   #elif defined (__UNIX__)
00782   return 0;
00783   #endif
00784 }

INT16 wait_for_hp ( INT32  timeout  ) 

Wait for semaphore.

Wait for the HP side to release its semaphore. The return value is HPERR if the timeout (in seconds) elapsed.

Definition at line 712 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References HPERR, ocr_internal_shutdown(), OKAY, shm, and TICKS.

Referenced by ocr_get_first_image_strip(), ocr_get_next_image_strip(), and ocr_send_text().

00714                    {
00715   INT16 result = HPERR;          /*return code */
00716   #if defined (__MSW32__) || defined (__MAC__)
00717                                  /*wait for thread to move */
00718   result = WaitForSingleObject (shm.hp_sem, timeout * TICKS)
00719                                  /*bad if timeout */
00720     == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ? OKAY : HPERR;
00721   #endif
00722   if (result != OKAY)
00723     ocr_internal_shutdown(); 
00724   return result;
00725 }

INT16 wait_for_mutex (  ) 

Wait for HP to be ready.

Wait for the HP side to release its mutex. The return value is HPERR if the HP side has terminated.

Definition at line 691 of file ocrshell.cpp.

References HPERR, ocr_internal_shutdown(), OKAY, and shm.

Referenced by ocr_get_first_image_strip().

00691                        {  /*wait for HP to be ready */
00692   INT16 result = HPERR;          /*return code */
00693   #if defined (__MSW32__) || defined (__MAC__)
00694   result = WaitForSingleObject (shm.mutex, (unsigned long) -1)
00695   /*wait for thread to move */
00696                                  /*bad if timeout */
00697     == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ? OKAY : HPERR;
00698   #endif
00699   if (result != OKAY)
00700     ocr_internal_shutdown(); 
00701   return result;
00702 }

Variable Documentation

INT32 font_count = 0 [static]

Definition at line 83 of file ocrshell.cpp.

Referenced by ocr_append_fontinfo(), ocr_error(), ocr_open_shm(), ocr_setup_startinfo(), and ocr_setup_startinfo_ansi().

INT16 lines_read = 0 [static]

Definition at line 84 of file ocrshell.cpp.

Referenced by ocr_get_first_image_strip(), and ocr_get_next_image_strip().

OCR_STATE ocr_state = OCS_UNINIT [static]

Definition at line 86 of file ocrshell.cpp.

Referenced by ocr_append_char(), ocr_append_fontinfo(), ocr_error(), ocr_get_first_image_strip(), ocr_get_next_image_strip(), ocr_internal_shutdown(), ocr_open_shm(), ocr_send_text(), ocr_setup_monitor(), ocr_setup_startinfo(), and ocr_setup_startinfo_ansi().


Definition at line 31 of file ocrshell.cpp.

Referenced by ocr_append_char(), ocr_append_fontinfo(), ocr_char_space(), ocr_error(), ocr_get_first_image_strip(), ocr_get_next_image_strip(), ocr_internal_shutdown(), ocr_open_shm(), ocr_send_text(), ocr_setup_monitor(), ocr_setup_startinfo(), ocr_setup_startinfo_ansi(), ocr_shutdown(), release_mutex(), release_ocr(), wait_for_hp(), and wait_for_mutex().

Generated on Wed Feb 28 19:49:17 2007 for Tesseract by  doxygen 1.5.1